Friday, March 30, 2012

Who's Telling You What to Think?

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Who's Telling You What to Think?

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Some people accept the news they read in newspapers and watch on television as the gospel truth. Is such trust in our mass media justified? Do you really know who's telling you what to think-and why?

Consider for a moment what might happen if someone you knew who died in the 1950s or '60s, perhaps your mother or grandmother, suddenly came to life and sat down with you to watch some of today's evening television shows. What would she see? What would she think?
Imagine letting her take your favorite chair and handle the remote control. Since you probably receive TV programming from a cable or satellite company, listen to her shocked disbelief as she hears the profanity and crudity spew forth. Notice her face as she hears the actors and actresses blurt out vulgarities with an ease and indifference the likes of which she would have never heard only a few decades earlier.
You might well find yourself on the defensive, trying to explain why modern television programming so openly promotes casual sexual encounters, gratuitous violence and foul language. She might question why you would voluntarily allow such crudeness to enter the sanctity of your home. She might ask why you feel no sense of alarm at the filth and vulgarity you allow into your children's minds. She might urge you to "turn that trash off"-and she'd be right on the mark.

Spiral to depravity

Steve Allen, the longtime actor, comedian and songwriter who died in 2000, wrote thoughtfully and perceptively about the depraved vortex of television programming in his book Vulgarians at the Gate: Trash TV and Raunch Radio .
"There has always been a market for vulgarity and licentiousness," he observed, "but at present it is undeniable that motion pictures, theater, television, radio, the recording industry, and, to a lesser degree, journalism are enthusiastic participants in the general collapse of standards and behavior.
"Some people may find it hard to believe that television was a morally admirable medium as recently as the 1950s. With a few exceptions it was largely administered by gentlemen and ladies, and although it was, from the first, apparent that inferior cultural merchandise was likely to become quite popular, given the notorious imperfections of human nature itself, television programming in general at least consisted of fare that could be watched by the entire family . . . It is clear that the medium has changed . . . Corporate America, granting exceptions, has not only largely given up its former admirable participation in the maintenance of society's general sanity but has joined those who would undermine it . . ." (2001, pp. 32-34, emphasis added).
For those who believe in character and high moral standards, some obvious questions come to mind: Where have we gone wrong? Why have we gone wrong? What, if anything, can be done about our self-initiated spiral into media-induced depravity?
What messages are those who spoon-feed us through the media presuming to tell us? What do they want us to think?
Today's mass media-radio, television, movies, audio and video recordings, books, magazines, newspapers, the Internet-shape our perception of reality. But how accurate is that perception? Is it true? Sometimes media moguls would like us to believe that our perception-a perception they carefully craft and provide- is reality.
But it's important for us to differentiate between viewpoints that arise from standards that are healthy for us and based on a moral foundation and those that are rooted in amoral thinking. As the Bible cautions us in Proverbs 4:23: "Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts" (Today's English Version).

News slanted to tell you what to think

The New York Times , with the largest weekly circulation in the country, is the most influential newspaper in the United States if not the world. But more than just a newspaper it is also a news organization. It owns more than 20 regional newspapers and even network-television affiliate stations across the country. Each issue of the International Herald Tribune (the international newspaper published primarily for American travelers and expatriates) is published in conjunction with The New York Times and The Washington Post , including a selection of articles and editorials from both of those papers.
The Times 'reach, however, is far more vast and influential than even these facts would indicate. The New York Times Syndicate and its news service, which distribute the paper's opinion pieces and news articles, reaches more than 2,000 other media clients in 50 countries on five continents. No matter where you are in the world, glance through your local or regional newspaper and odds are you'll find articles, editorials and opinions generated by the staff of The New York Times.
That wouldn't be a problem if the Times -and other newspapers and news organizations, for that matter-did their job of simply reporting the news. The danger is when they selectively report the news or slant it to promote their social agenda (see "Why This Death Didn't Count," page 6).
Journalist William Proctor wrote an illuminating book titled The Gospel According to The New York Times. Mr. Proctor examines the profound effects the paper has on America and the world, playing a major role in shaping our thinking and values.
The New York Times, he writes, is a welldesigned belief system that touches every aspect of your life. "In effect, you are being exposed to a gospel, but one that is a far cry from the traditional good news of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Rather, this gospel is rooted in a kind of secular theology that purports to convey infallible social, moral, and political truth -a truth that the paper fervently promotes with all the zeal of the fieriest proselytizer" (2000, pp. 11-12, emphasis added).

Journalism to reshape

Mr. Proctor shows how the Times carefully communicates, as its slogan puts it, "all the news that's fit to print."What Times editors feel is right for Americans will wind up as stories on the front page. Yet they are careful not to be too overt in their secular religious fervor. For example, they might place a story on the front page and then support it in the op-ed (opinioneditorial) pages. This practice can repeat itself on alternate days.
There is also the problem of skewing stories to fit the editors' personal beliefs and agendas. Mr. Proctor continues: "It's reasonable to assume that a decidedly slanted or partisan report about a new pill that induces abortions, coupled with proabortion editorials and op-ed columns, represents a journalistic package designed to nudge the reader into changing social policy positions and personal beliefs" (p. 36).
Citing examples, his book documents many of the ways journalists slant their reporting to subtly change the way readers think. To be fair, the Times is not the only media outlet that tries to reshape our values and morals. Still, its influence reaches farther than most (see "The Media's Alternative Gospel," page 7).
Mr. Proctor quotes the Old Testament prophet Isaiah to indict modern media distortions: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20).

Naturalism usurps morality

What is the basis for so much of the media's upside-down thinking? A pseudoscience known as naturalism forms part of it.
Phillip Johnson, author and law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has written several revealing books on the uncritical acceptance of evolution in modern society, replacing creationism and belief in the Bible (among them Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law and Education, 1998, and The Wedge of Truth, 2000). As Dr. Johnson puts it, naturalism is a philosophy that substitutes unintelligent nature for an intelligent God.
His analysis of naturalism is straightforward: "This philosophy assumes that in the beginning were the fundamental particles that compose matter, energy and the impersonal laws of physics. To put it negatively, there was no personal God who created the cosmos and governs it as an act of free will. If God exists at all, he acts only through inviolable laws of nature and adds nothing to them.
"This philosophy controls academic work not only in science but in all fields, including law, literature and psychology. It is promulgated throughout the educational system and the mainstream media, and government backs it" ( The Wedge of Truth , pp. 13-14, emphasis added).
The media live by this no-God doctrine -if not deliberately, certainly by effect. This is one reason that science reporting in the mass media is overwhelmingly proevolution in its fundamental premises.
What happens when a society progressively abandons its belief in God? Can it self-destruct? The words of Abraham Lincoln in 1837, before his becoming American president, warn of the danger we have brought on ourselves: "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide" (emphasis added).
Although astonishingly farsighted, even the reputable Abraham Lincoln likely could not have foreseen the enormous stakes behind the self-absorption, hedonism and self-destruction that are outgrowths of naturalism and the modern media.

Behind the scenes

Who-or what-is ultimately behind these circumstances and trends in our mass media? Who is trying to tell you-and your family-what to think?
The Bible reveals the reality of an enormously powerful presence hard at work behind the scenes trying to influence every man, woman and child on earth to a different way of thinking-a way of thinking built on a foundation of lies.
The apostle Paul calls this unseen force "the god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4). Other verses refer to him as "the dragon, that serpent of old, . . . the Devil and Satan" (Revelation 20:2).
The apostle John tells us how successful Satan the devil has been in his manipulative, deceptive work. He writes that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" and that this evil being "deceives the whole world" (1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9, emphasis added throughout).
Of course, Satan doesn't present his ways as they really are-harmful and destructive. (This is spelled out in greater detail in our free booklets Why Does God Allow Suffering? and Is There Really a Devil? ) Instead, the devil "transforms himself into an angel [messenger] of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).
In other words, Satan presents his ways as enlightened and wise when in truth they are the opposite. He cleverly appeals to our human nature, which is hostile to God (Romans 8:7) and, for the most part, concerned only with itself (Galatians 5:19).
In reality, Satan wants to permanently shipwreck the future God has planned for you. This is a fact. When you come to know the big picture of the spiritual forces at work on earth, such knowledge will sober you. Mankind stands in Satan's way. By virtue of the fact that we are alive, we threaten his position and power.
Satan was once an "anointed cherub," a kind of superangel serving at the very throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14). But he rebelled, and God cast him down to earth. When the devil realized he could not overthrow God and take over the universe, he became "Apollyon," meaning "the destroyer" (Revelation 9:11)-the enemy of God and all God's creation, especially humanity (1 Peter 5:8).
Since God will not allow Satan to destroy mankind directly (compare Job 1-2), Satan has concocted devious ways to influence us to destroy ourselves. He inspires men to lead nations into war, hoping to kill off thousands and millions. Short of war, but even more devastating, he has deceived humanity into substituting the false god of science as mankind's savior.
False religions, naturalism, the theory of evolution and related belief systems have kept humanity in darkness for centuries. Satan reasons that, if he can't kill mankind off wholesale, then he will work at keeping mankind deceived. Paul tells us the devil has successfully "blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel" (2 Corinthians 4:4, New International Version).
These are the big stakes in the battle our arch-adversary is desperate to win. He is determined to keep human beings confused, filled with harmful and distorted biases and separated from God, cut off from right knowledge.
Paul elsewhere calls Satan "the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient" (Ephesians 2:2, New Revised Standard Version). Writing many centuries before the advent of television and radio, Paul showed that the devil transmits what we might call a spiritual broadcast of moods and attitudes to which human minds are tuned.
Of course, as the god of this age, influencing human minds everywhere, he is also the ruler and manipulator at work behind the scenes in the world's electronic broadcasts and other media sources, using them to promote choices and behavior that are directly contrary to our Creator's instructions. But we are not helpless before the devil. With God's help, we can resist these negative spiritual forces (James 4:7).

Right media, right advertising

Because God created us, He knows what makes us tick, how we best learn and what is mentally healthful for us. The world's media outlets aren't inherently good or evil; they are simply means of communicating information. However, the way they are used, and the content they carry, can be helpful and positive, neutral or enormously destructive.
Paul said we should be aware of conditions around us (1 Thessalonians 5:1-8). However, before you accept an important headline or story as gospel truth, question it and reserve judgment-and maybe even take time to research it if it pertains to an issue that is important to you. Compare it with other sources and perspectives on the same subject.
With some digging you may find other media sources, such as better-researched newspaper and magazine articles, that can supply you with a more-accurate perspective on the story. Some Internet sources, such as NewsMax or the Media Research Center, often cover stories ignored by most media outlets and present alternative perspectives on many major stories and situations.
Major TV networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN, and major newspapers such as The New York Times , do present many stories that are unbiased. But, when it comes to stories that bear on moral values and ideology-and these are the most important stories-the major networks often present them with a liberal or ungodly spin that does not well serve their audiences. Fox News is currently the only conservativeleaning major television news network.
Of course, your best source for the unbiased truth as it relates to the world we live in is your Bible. It is the source that shapes the perspective of The Good News. This magazine's subtitle, A Magazine of Understanding, is there for good reason. Our primary purpose is to help you see major trends and events through the perspective of the Bible, helping you see them as God views them. It is our goal to make it the most biblically relevant and revealing publication on earth. But we encourage you to check the Bible references-to make sure we accurately present what God has to say.
Who is telling you what to think? It should be God's Word, not shortsighted and misguided human beings motivated by their social or moneymaking agendas. God alone possesses the wisdom we need to give us a clear perspective of what's going on around us in these dangerous times. Jesus, in praying to our heavenly Father, said, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17). He also says to us, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32).
More and more, modern media direct us away from the truth of God and toward Satan's widespread deceptions. What can you do? You can turn to God in prayer and ask Him to open your eyes to His truth, to set you free from the subtle darkness that envelops "this present evil age" (Galatians 1:4). God promises to answer those who sincerely set their hearts to find Him (Jeremiah 29:12-13).
You then need to allow God to instruct you-first through your own study of His Word, the Holy Bible. The publishers of The Good News offer biblically based media sources-such as this magazine, our Bible Study Course and booklets on many topics-to help you see and understand things from God's perspective. If you have a computer, we also urge you to become a regular follower of our Bible Reading Program on the Internet so you can learn even more by digging directly into God's Word.
With our individual cooperation, God can teach us what to think and do and how to avoid seduction by the dangerous messages of the modern mainstream media.
As you consider whether to accept the newspapers' or television news programs' gospel truth, or whether to view the violence and vulgarity on television and movie screens, or hear the seductive, suggestive lyrics of many songs, be sure to ask yourself who is telling you what to think- and whether you should listen. GN

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Should You Believe All the News You Hear?

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Should You Believe All the News You Hear?

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Many people's outlook on current events, culture, society and the world is shaped by the news they read and hear. But how truthful is most reporting? Can you-and should you-believe everything you hear?

The credo of professional journalists is to report facts and events objectively. Yet several recent books document journalists slanting their reporting to favor their biases and further their prejudices, especially left-leaning agendas.
Longtime CBS News reporter Bernard Goldberg realized how deep media bias can run as he reviewed a February 1996 story presented by fellow CBS reporter Eric Engberg. In his best-selling book Bias, Mr. Goldberg expressed his shock at the way Mr. Engberg's report poked fun at presidential candidate and Forbes -magazine publisher Steve Forbes' proposal for a flat tax rate.
"Steve Forbes pitches his flat-tax scheme as an economic elixir good for everything that ails us,"Mr. Engberg began. He then proceeded to interview three supposed tax experts, all of whom opposed Mr. Forbes' proposal to overhaul the massive U.S. tax code. He then referred to the flat-tax idea as "wacky" and a "giant, untested idea" that should be "test[ed] out someplace-like Albania" (2002, pp. 16-18).
As Mr. Goldberg points out, Mr. Engberg could easily have found respected economists who supported Mr. Forbes'flat tax- especially since two Nobel-prize-winning economists and various conservative university economics professors were on record as supporting the idea.
Mr. Goldberg concludes: "From top to bottom the Engberg piece was breathtaking in its lack of fairness. So how could CBS put it on the air? Well, news fans, here's one of those dirty little secrets journalists are never supposed to reveal to the regular folks out there in the audience: a reporter can find an expert to say anything the reporter wants - anything! Just keep calling until one of the experts says what you need him to say and tell him you'll be right down with your camera crew to interview him.
"If you find an expert who says, 'You know, I think that flat tax just might work and here's why . . .' you thank him, hang up, and find another expert. It's how journalists sneak their own personal views into stories in the guise of objective news reporting. Because the reporter can always say, 'Hey, I didn't say the flat tax stinks- the guy from that Washington think tank did!'" (ibid., p. 20).
Mr. Goldberg also notes that too many reporters, editors and columnists live in their own insular world, isolated from other views and sources of information. He cites the example of New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael, who expressed astonishment when Richard Nixon beat liberal candidate George McGovern in the 1972 U.S. presidential election. "How can that be?" she exclaimed. "Nobody I know voted for Nixon."Yet Mr. Nixon had carried 49 of the 50 states in a landslide election victory.

Slanted news reporting

William McGowan, former reporter for Newsweek and the BBC and a regular contributor to The Wall Street Journal explains in his recent book Coloring the News that the news media's crusade for a favorite liberal cause-diversity- has corrupted American journalism by promoting homosexual rights, feminism, affirmative action, race and immigration over objective debate and honesty.
He recounts that in December 1992 he attended the Diversity Summit Meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Newspaper Association of America. From that point forward, he notes, media coverage underwent a major and lasting change.
"The cause of diversity had become a crusade across the length and breadth of the American media, and would be a defining and dominating force in journalism in the decade to come. Almost every day after that 1992 meeting, one could hear echoes from it in newspaper stories and nightly network broadcasts. Diversity was the new religion, and anybody who wanted to be anybody in the news industry had to rally behind it" (2001, pp. 9-10).

From media darling to pariah

Another revealing book documenting the bias of many in the media was written by Tammy Bruce, longtime advocate of liberal causes. Ms. Bruce, a Los Angeles political figure and talk-show host, was head of the Los Angeles chapter and a national board member of the National Organization for Women (NOW) as well as an avowed lesbian and abortion-rights activist. However, after defending conservative author and talk-show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger and charging NOW with hypocrisy, she found herself a pariah among reporters who had formerly sought her out for interviews.
Based on such experiences, she wrote The New Thought Police: Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds. In it she explains that "what began so many years ago as a noble cause-ending the scourge of bigotry-has devolved into something far different. It's not bigots that the new Thought Police are after. It's people . . . who dare to speak their mind and contradict the 'progressive' point of view . . .
"There is enormous irony in the fact that it is those on the Left-the supposed protectors of all things culturally important-who are imposing severe sanctions on anyone who espouses an idea or expresses an opinion that might be deemed 'offensive' to some favored group" (2001, p. 4).
The result is that "the effects of this new intolerance are felt in the media and in the arts, on college campuses, even in offices and factories. The message is clear: Don't speak up. Or else-you'll be fired [or] sued . . . Labels such as 'racist,' 'sexist,'and 'homophobe'are routinely used to demonize anyone who utters a word that doesn't support the Left's agenda. Television producers allow their scripts to be edited by groups that purport to represent aggrieved minorities. On college campuses, student newspapers that don't toe the party line are collected and destroyed, and speakers with un-PC views are shouted down" (ibid., pp. 2-3).
Not surprisingly, all three books have been generally ignored in the mainstream media, even though Bias has become a best-seller in the United States.

Bias affects reporting

How do such media biases affect everyday reporting? One notable example involved coverage of the campaigns leading up to a recent national election. The major liberal candidate was consistently portrayed by the mainstream media as a deep thinker and intellectual heavyweight. The leading conservative candidate, on the other hand, was typically portrayed as something of an amiable dunce, a man generally incapable of speaking clearly and presenting ideas coherently.
Seldom compared by the media were details of the academic backgrounds of the two candidates. Both had graduated from Ivy League schools, one from Harvard, the other from Yale. However, from there the "smart" one went to Vanderbilt Divinity School, where, according to a biography and column in The Boston Globe "he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters" before dropping out. He then enrolled for a brief stint at Vanderbilt Law School before again dropping out and entering a lifetime of politics.
The other candidate, depicted as an intellectual featherweight, went on to earn an M.B.A. from Harvard, no insignificant accomplishment. He flew fighter jets in the National Guard. In spite of an impressive showing since assuming office and the most-sustained high approval ratings of any person occupying that office in history, reporters and columnists still occasionally snipe at President George W. Bush for his supposed lack of intelligence.

Mass-media alienation

Most media firms are, in fact, businesses that promote strong liberal biases. Such leanings reflect a warped worldview and lead them to assume their views are normal while the perspectives of those who disagree with them are abnormal. Significantly, several media corporations have been fast losing audiences, some say because of their profound bias.
Many Americans appear to be increasingly aware of the distorted diet the majority of media outlets feeds them in the name of news reporting. Columnist Jack Kelly's perception of modern mainstream media is telling:
"For people who are convinced we're awfully smart, we journalists can be pretty stupid. We've been driving away customers. In 1980, 75 percent of Americans routinely watched evening newscasts on ABC, NBC, or CBS. Last year only 43 percent did. In 1980, 67 percent of adults customarily read a daily newspaper. In 1999, only 57 percent did.
"Television news has lost 43 percent of its audience, newspapers 15 percent of ours. In other businesses, such losses would trigger massive changes. Heads would roll. If word spread McDonald's was using rat feces as filler in hamburgers, McDonald's market share would drop. Viewers and readers are deserting us in droves because they think our product is shallow and biased" ("Media Is Its Own Worst Enemy," Jewish World Review Jan. 28, 2002).
But not all journalists remain loyal to liberal biases. Bernard Goldberg, cited above, is perhaps the most popular television journalist who has stood against media bias. Radio-talk-show hosts with countering views, such as Rush Limbaugh, have become nationally popular by riding a wave of dissent against the mainstream media's liberal biases, as have conservative-leaning commentators such as the Fox network's Bill O'Reilly. Fox has been built on mainstream media's abandonment of any vestige of unbiased objectivity. Fox's motto itself is revealing: "We report; you decide."
Today a sentiment grows that the very media outlets that rose to greatness during World War II through most of the last half of the 20th century have begun to engineer their own demise by failing to fulfill their promise of objectivity in reporting.
There also exists a growing belief that the owners of the vast majority of network news outlets are more interested in promoting entertainment personalities and products, along with issues and views popular in related fields, than in promoting and providing unbiased reporting. As a result,Western society often is informed only of news and issues that harmonize with the opinions of those who control the media. This approach leaves in its wake a distorted view of reality as its most disturbing consequence. GN

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Links of Interest: Attacks on Religion and Freedom

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Links of Interest: Attacks on Religion and Freedom


Looking at my inbox this week shows several accumulated articles that point to further erosion of religious freedom and tolerance that should be noted.
First, Steve Myers and I did a BT Daily this morning highlighting the Obama administration's effort to dictate to religious bodies how they define health care benefits. The enacted health care legislation that begins next year says to churches and religious bodies they must provide benefites to employers for birth contral and abortion. The Catholic church is up in arms about this. This issue crosses religious lines and impacts all faiths. Former presidential candidate and Baptist minister, Mike Huckabee, is quoted as saying "we are all Catholics" over this issue.
I wouldn't use those words but at least on this issue we would all find common ground. Government legislation that tells a religious body they must provide funding for decisions that violate their belief is a serious breach of liberty. We discuss this in our video.
Then I saw an article in the Financial Times that describes Hungary's curtailing of official recognition for more than 300 denominations. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government action has caused concern in both the EU and US. With no consultation of established churches Hungary enacted a law which acknowledges 14 "historical churches. Those recognized include, Catholic, Calvinist and at least three Jewish denominations. Those stripped of offical status include Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness and local Church of England groups. Also no longer recognized are Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Bahai groups.
These churchs can appeal their status but it is lengthy and culminates in Parliament, which involves in the end a political decision based on who holds the majority. Crisits say this violates basic ungarian law and is a serious infringment on religious liberty. Given Hungary's long history of struggle for liberty this action is surprising. Anything can happen when a majority hold power.
One final piece comes from California where the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against a California propositiont that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Proposition 8 had been voted on and passed by citizens in a recent election. This case deals with finer points of constituional law but it effectively opens a path to review by the United States Supreme Court. There, it promises to be decided by a narrow majority of only one vote. It will be interesting to watch.
This case represents actions by a court to define not only public morality but the institution of marriage, the building block of any stable society. It further opens the door to a redefining of marriage into something far beyond what the Bible clearly defines–a sacred union between a man and a woman. Its ramifications will be devastating for the nation.
Religious freedom, free from any intrusion by government, is a legal right in America, long defended in many cases. To circumvent basic tenets of this historic God-ordained right is serious. While these listed today may not prevent any of us from freedom of assembly according to our conscience they can represent the first steps toward intolerance and persecution, and even in a free society this must we vigilently watched.
The apostles James and John were threatened with punishment when they preached the truth of Christ's resurrection to the people of Jerusalem. When told to cease by the religious authoritties they gave an answer that echoes down to us today: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
There will be a day when many of us will have to make the same declaration. God give us the strength to follow in their footsteps.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Impact: Celebrity Single Parents

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Impact: Celebrity Single Parents

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What does God say about having children outside of marriage and becoming a single parent on a whim?

In 2008, 17 girls at the same high school in Gloucester, Massachusetts, got pregnant around the same time. Some blamed it on a pact between the girls; others blamed it on the rising trend of celebrity single parents (Russell Goldman and Elisa Roupenian, "17 Pregnancies a 'Coincidence,' Says Teen,", June 24, 2008). Whatever the motivation, the impact is extreme on the resulting babies and the fathers who now—married or not, job or not—bear the legal obligation to support the mother and child for years to come.
What does God say about having children outside of marriage and becoming a single parent on a whim?
God condemns sex outside of marriage in his law, whether adultery or premarital sex (Exodus 20:14; Galatians 5:19). He does this for our good and for the health of society. Strong, intact families help produce emotionally healthy and stable people.
Getting pregnant outside marriage by intent (or accident) is irresponsible and sinful. That new little life will have many struggles without the benefit of a mom and dad who are deeply in love, committed in marriage and anxiously awaiting his or her arrival to lovingly guide him or her through life.
Celebrity single parents have millions of dollars and a staff of nannies and assistants to help with the day-to-day realities of parenting. Entertainment magazines and websites are full of images of glamorous movie stars or other media idols having children out of wedlock or adopting cute babies from around the world. Their young lives seem ideal, but no one ever thinks of asking those children if they are really happy. Indeed, no amount of money can buy a happy family—which really comes through living according to laws God has laid down.
God expects us to behave responsibly and respectfully toward Him by obeying His law. In doing so, we will behave responsibly toward other people. Keep this in mind when sorting through the trends that surface in our society. If it breaks God's law, no matter how popular it might be, it's still wrong.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Current Events & Trends: Sexual abuse, rape widespread in America

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Current Events & Trends: Sexual abuse, rape widespread in America

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We are so far from the true sexual intimacy men and women were divinely intended to experience in godly marriage!

USA Today reported these shocking statistics at the end of last year: "Sexual violence is a widespread problem in the USA that strikes the majority of its victims early in life, according to a major government study released Wednesday. Nearly 1 in 5 being raped in their lifetime," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Janice Lloyd, "Study: Sexual Violence 'Widespread,’" Dec. 16, 2011).
In 2009 there were just over 155 million females in the United States, and probably somewhere near 160 million presently. Some 32 million women residing in America (ideally the land of the free and the home of the brave) have been raped at least once in their lifetime. These numbers are horrendous beyond words—and our sexually obsessed media culture bears a heavy responsibility.
"The study is the first to examine the prevalence of rape, sexual violence other than rape, stalking and intimate partner violence, and to report the damaging health consequences that last a lifetime," the article continued.
What callous and unfeeling men do to very young women and girls can only be called horrific and unconscionable. "Among female victims, 30% report being first raped when they were between 11 and 17 years old; 12% were 10 or younger." Clearly child abuse, especially of teenagers and very young girls, is a staggering problem in the United States.
Further, "nearly 1 in 2 women (44.6%) and 1 in 5 men (22.2%) experienced sexual violence other than rape at some point in their lives." How far from the true sexual intimacy men and women were divinely intended to experience in godly marriage! The master deceiver, Satan the devil, has turned what was meant by God to be the most pleasurable of human experiences between a husband and a wife into a living nightmare for the victims while inciting the brutality of callous perpetrators (see Revelation 12:9; 2 Timothy 3:1-4).
If you have been a victim of any type of sexual abuse, your life can be turned around by a genuine encounter with the living God. Read our free Bible study aid booklets Who Is God? and Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension plus the PDF article "Dealing with Abuse ." (Source: USA Today. )

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are We Living in the Time of the End?

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Are We Living in the Time of the End?

Many biblical prophecies leave us in no doubt that increasingly cataclysmic events will occur before God's direct intervention in human affairs.

For thousands of years people have been fascinated with predictions of the end of the world.
People who read and study the Bible are not the only ones concerned about where our world is headed. The late author Isaac Asimov, in his book The Choice of Catastrophes: The Disasters That Threaten Our World, listed and explained at least 15 dangers that could jeopardize human survival. Many of these potential global disasters, including nuclear war, have arrived at our door only in the last few decades.
At times people thought they understood when and how our age would end. But failed expectations about the end of the age have brought profound disappointment to scores of sincere religious individuals and groups. They thought they were correctly discerning the time and manner of the fulfillment of prophecy. But all have been wrong, or at least premature.
In spite of centuries of such disappointments, they haven't put an end to attempts to associate world events and conditions with biblical prophecies concerning the end time. This is especially true in America, where books, television and radio programs focusing on biblical prophecy abound.
If we look into the inspired writings of the Old Testament prophets and Jesus Christ's apostles, we find many prophecies that refer to the time of the end. Should we take them seriously? Should they mean anything to us? Are world conditions such that the predictions could be fulfilled in our day? Are we near the climax of the prophesied period in which the world is faced with insurmountable problems and global­distress of holocaust proportions? Are we approaching Armageddon?
Jesus Christ Himself talked of a future time so horrendous that "if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive"—everyone alive would die if that time was not cut short (Matthew 24:22, Revised English Bible, emphasis added throughout). Was He speaking of our time?
Many Bible prophecies leave us in no doubt that increasingly cataclysmic events will occur before God's direct intervention in human affairs. These terrifying prophetic occurrences will see their fulfillment at some future time. The crucial question is when.
Much confusion surrounds the timing of these prophecies. But this need not be so. The Bible itself reveals certain vital keys that will help us place these forewarnings in an understandable prophetic framework. We must let the Bible itself interpret its prophecies.
In this booklet we examine exactly what Jesus Christ, His apostles and the prophets of old really said about the perilous days they referred to as the time of the end.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

World News and Trends- Teen ethics: a challenge for parents

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World News and Trends- Teen ethics: a challenge for parents

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Almost half of American teens have stolen, and most admit to cheating and lying, according to a survey of middle—and high-school students. At the same time most also say that "good character" is important.

The survey, conducted by the Josephson Institute for Ethics, found that 47 percent of high-school teens admitted to stealing from a store within the last year. Seventy percent confessed to cheating on a school test, and 92 percent admitted they had lied to parents. The survey also found that older teens were significantly more likely to have stolen, cheated and lied than younger teens.
"There's no evidence that they're moral mutants or that they're inherently different than any other generation, but they are cheating and lying more," said Michael Josephson, president of the nonprofit Josephson Institute for Ethics. (Michael Josephson was featured in an interview in the November-December 1996 Good News .)
J. Angelo Corlett, founding editor in chief of the Journal of Ethics, warns: "It should sound an alarm that people don't take ethics seriously in our society, and that's been the case for some time." Mr. Corlett added that the survey reflects parents' ability to instill ethics in their children and noted that parents who teach strong moral values face powerful outside influences to the contrary. (Source: USA

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How To Be A Good Dude

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How To Be A Good Dude


I was recently asked a question the other day, “How can I be a good dude?”. It made me ponder what that really means. I know that the answers will vary depending on the person that you ask, but I have a few points about what really makes a dude “good”.
The first aspect about being a good dude that I would like to cover is treating the ladies right. Growing up and entering into my teen years, my mother use to always tell me that I needed to treat women like I would treat her. When you are around your mother, do you do you best to be polite, respectful, helpful and caring? I believe all of these things apply in the way we, as dudes, should treat women. It doesn't matter if they are family, just a friend or more than friends. If you conduct yourself in this manner you will be truly surprised at the results you will get.
Respecting women is a second key on how to be a good dude. Now I know the word respect is thrown out a lot—but trust me, it really is something that should not be ignored. Women appreciate it when you respect them and in order to respect them, you have to make the effort to get to know them. All women have certain boundaries and it is our job to find them and respect them—not to push them. Find out the things that they care about, what they do and don’t like and consider those things. The women will pick up on this and your respect for them will become very obvious in word and in action.
A third and final key to be a good dude is to get your education and career. In Proverbs 24:27, the Bible says, “Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field: and afterward build your house”. This scripture tells us that before we build our house we must have our fields prepared. So in preparing for a family and supporting them we need to do the necessary outside work. You need to get your education and you need to take it seriously. Without the proper education and preparation in this day and age it is almost impossible to get any kind of work. It is our job as the man to be responsible and provide a stable environment to support our future family.
These are just the beginnings of all of the traits that make up a good dude and how to become a better dude. But hopefully you will find these three aspects helpful and apply them to your life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Great Chicago Fire

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The Great Chicago Fire

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Resilient Chicago rose from the ruins.

You’ve probably heard that Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over the lantern and started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
That’s disputed, but the fire’s destruction isn’t. It killed over 300 people, left 100,000 homeless and destroyed 18,000 buildings valued today at over $23 billion!
Yet the people of Chicago responded remarkably. They created Fire Prevention Week to raise fire awareness and on the very site of Mrs. O’Leary’s barn now stands the Chicago Fire Department Training Academy. Could there be a more fitting and constructive response?
That reminds us how we should respond to tragedy. Make every effort to extinguish the fires of hardship in your life by reacting positively and you’ll have productive results.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Immigration Quagmire

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The Immigration Quagmire

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Since America is divided over how to solve its illegal immigration problem, perhaps it should look to the Bible for some answers.

Last week a trial began in a US federal court with officials from the city of Hazelton, Pennsylvania defending the tough illegal-immigration laws they'd passed against a suit by lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union claiming that such laws discriminate against legal Latino residents.
As this case illustrates, some Americans believe that officials in the cities and states across the nation will have to be the ones to pass meaningful legislation to address illegal immigration because so far the nation's leaders in Congress have done little beyond authorizing funds to build more fence on the US-Mexico border. The dozens of communities across the nation that are trying to pass similar laws as Hazelton will be watching this case intently. So will the communities who openly refuse to enforce existing laws on illegal immigration.
Concerning immigration, the majority of Americans have always recognized the United States as a land of opportunity to which people from all nations should be welcomed. After all, most Americans are members of families who immigrated here themselves. So Americans don't want to close the borders. But the problem isn't with legal immigration. It's the illegal variety that gets many Americans so angry and upset.
The citizens who pay the taxes that provide free schools and healthcare for those who illegally enter this country generally believe in giving people opportunities to provide for themselves but not in financially supporting those who break the law and drain community resources. Adding to their frustration are the pictures run on all major television stations of the hundreds of illegal immigrants coming across the borders every night and the US government's claim that it can't stop them, find them, catch them, or send them back home. Cynics have quipped that the government does a better job keeping track of cows including their origin and location in the US (for the possibility of mad cow disease) than they do with humans.
Complicating the problem is the large number of illegal immigrants who are working in low-paying jobs—such as harvesting crops—that Americans don't want. Many, including US President George Bush see the continuance of such workers in the US as critical to the economy.
Meeting with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon last week in Merida, Mexico, President Bush said "he would try to convince Congress to pass his plans to soften U.S. immigration laws and allow a guest worker program" ("Bush reassures skeptical Mexico on immigration ,", March 14, 2007). Accounting for more than half of the 12 million illegal immigrants in the US, Mexicans do not like restrictions on illegal immigration into the US (ibid.).
Since America is divided over how to solve its illegal immigration problem, perhaps it should look to the Bible for some answers.
The Bible explains that the ancient Israelites had immigrants living among them and that God told them, "One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger who dwells among you" (Exodus 12:49). In other words, the laws of the land were to apply to everyone. Rules were not just for those born in the land or just for those coming into the land. Putting this instruction into practice today in the US could look like this:
  1. 1. The US could make it clear that it welcomes legal immigrants to its country, but they are expected to abide by all of its laws—that anyone who wants to enter the US must do so through the legal channels. If one doesn't, he'll be sent home. The US could secure its borders and prosecute those who practice or assist illegal immigration.
  2. 2. The US could tell those who enter illegally with no criminal record that they must go home and apply according to the rules. Americans overwhelmingly believe in giving people a second chance to do what is right. The US could then implement a plan in which immigrants caught illegally in the US a second time would be barred from entering for life.
  3. 3. Recognizing the biblical observation that "Righteousness [the rule of law] exalts a nation" (Proverbs 14:34), the US could find a lawful solution for the jobs currently held by illegal immigrants. It could establish a temporary worker status so workers could legally come to the US on a temporary basis and it could simply say that, if necessary, its own citizens will pay more for crops to be harvested. Either way, the US would then be promoting lawful conduct.

Friday, March 16, 2012

God loves all human beings. It is our Creator's desire that all attain everlasting life in His Kingdom.

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How can you know that God loves me?

God loves all human beings. It is our Creator's desire that all attain everlasting life in His Kingdom.

Answer: God loves all human beings. This can be inferred from John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." It is our Creator's desire that all attain everlasting life in His Kingdom.
The apostle Paul further explains that prayers should be made "for all men ... For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:1-4, emphasis added throughout). But we first have to learn and then decide to accept God's way of life, the biblically mandated path to salvation. Our Creator has given us freedom of choice and will not force His truth on anyone.
Yet He is exceedingly patient in hopes that human beings will repent of their ways of life that result in suffering and death. The apostle Peter tells us, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
We do not want to miss out on our fantastic destiny. It stretches our imaginations to the full even to try to conceive of it. Read what Paul said when he quoted Isaiah 64:4. "But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
Indeed the Holy Spirit is the germ of eternal life; we must receive it from God in order to be saved. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14). God wants human beings to be coheirs with Jesus Christ and share His glory in the Kingdom of God (verse 17).
These important matters are all explained in detail in our free booklets What Is Your Destiny?, The Road to Eternal Life and You Can Have Living Faith. All are free of charge

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Basketball Is Her Second Goal...Her Religion Is Number One

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Basketball Is Her Second Goal...Her Religion Is Number One

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Sports have been a big part of life for Jenny Stewart. So have her religious beliefs.

When she entered high school, it was pretty much expected that Jenny would play for her school basketball team. Always in the back of her mind was the cloud of conflict that games would inevitably be scheduled on the Sabbath. That time came when she entered her sophomore year at Clark County High School, located about 45 miles from Lexington, Kentucky—the home of the University of Kentucky Wildcats.
Some say that's the heart of basketball country. Jenny was a rising star in a sport that made her name a household word in her community. But the dreaded conflict reached Jenny, and she made a decision she believed was irrevocable. She quit the sport she loved. She decided faith and family were more important than basketball, even in Kentucky. Following is an account of the tough decisions and why she did what she did through high school and into college.
When her junior year in high school began, Jenny's coach asked her to return to the team. He was willing to work around her religious beliefs. He would not bench her for missing Friday night games. Miraculously, Jenny was again playing the game she loved. The local newspaper, The Winchester Sun, wrote glowingly of her achievements.
"Stewart missed Friday night's game because of her faith. The religion she practices observes the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday and it proscribes such activities during that time as basketball...
"Very few people in Norton Gym Monday night would have known that Stewart's 23-point performance against the Montgomery County High School Lady Indians in the opening round of the district tournament would be the last time she ever played on her home floor in a Lady Cardinal uniform.
"And it was classic Jenny Stewart Monday night, her patented stop-and-poppers, her leaning, floating one-handed jumpers in the lane, her graceful layups on fast breaks.
"The Lady Cardinals could have used Stewart's services Friday but it was no problem. They knew it was something Jenny had to do, and they respected that."
After the game Clark coach Larry Allison said, "It's never been a problem. It's an understood fact. As a coach I've always told my players that basketball and athletics are great parallels in life. And as a coach there are two things that come before basketball and that's faith and family. I know how much Jenny loves the game of basketball. She knows she's missing a game for a reason. She is doing what she thinks is right. And I don't know if coaching her has made me a better coach, but it sure has made me a better person."
You hear a lot about talented athletes. Their stories and pictures appear with regularity in the local newspaper and on the evening news. Sometimes you hear about people with character. But when talent and character come together in one person, a leader emerges. Jenny didn't go to school to change anyone else. She just wanted to obey God and play basketball. When a conflict arose, she chose obedience to God. And then the coach learned something about life from the student.
Jenny's senior year in high school (2000-01), she was nominated for the Wendy's High School Heisman Award, as well as several state and county honors. On April 28, she sat at a table in the school lobby surrounded by family, coaches and her high school principal. As cameras clicked, she signed a letter-of-intent to play basketball for Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky.
Interview with Jenny
After Jenny's first year on the Alice Lloyd College team, she gave up her scholarship to play for a larger school at a more challenging level. Jenny enrolled at Morehead State University and became a "walk-on" her first year. She has also carried a 4.0 GPA through her first two years of college.
Are you still playing collegiate basketball?
No, I'm not playing for Morehead State anymore or probably anywhere else.
The coach told me that they weren't going to have any walk-ons this year. She mentioned that the schedule was a problem (meaning that the Sabbath was too inconvenient to work around).
Were many games scheduled on the Sabbath?
Some, but the bigger problem was the games on Saturday night. The team practiced on the Sabbath before the Saturday night games and the coach didn't like it when I missed the "shoot around" prior to the game.
What was the rest of the team like? Were they supportive?
Most everyone on the team was religious. They would pray before each game and the coach was a religious person. One of the assistant coaches would even fast once a week. One of the team members was president of the BSU [Baptist Student Union]. She conducted some of the meetings for BSU. They were all nice girls, but they felt a little bit condemned because I was keeping the Sabbath.
This has been a trial for you for several years.
This has been a trial almost my whole life. I started playing in a "knothole" league in the fourth grade and began playing on a school team in the seventh grade.
There is nothing in this physical, material life that is worth giving up your salvation. I always went to church. I always listened. But until this happened, I never realized how important the truth is and how important it is to live a life that's pleasing to God.
What did you learn from the experience?
I learned that I could live without basketball. When I was in high school, I thought there was no life beyond basketball. I would shoot hundreds of shots a day and progressed to shooting a thousand shots a day. It was the most important thing to me. Now I realize that the people who play only get to play so long. The physical things, they just pass.
What have you learned about self-denial?
It was a small sacrifice. It was a game. In my mind it was big, but other people have given up their lives for the truth. Denying yourself makes you a stronger person and increases your faith. It will all come out good in the end.
Are you glad you've played high school and college ball?
Oh sure! Some of my best memories have been playing ball. I was given this talent, and I was able to meet a lot of people and overcome my shyness by excelling in a sport.
What would you recommend for other teens wanting to play ball for their school or college? What about your younger brother? How would you advise him?
That's a tough question. Giving it up caused a lot of heartache. Hopefully he would make the right decision for himself. My parents told me what was right and I knew what was right. After that you have to make your own decision for your own conscience. My dad always encouraged me, but he told me there would come a day that I would have to confront this dilemma.
Basketball teaches you how to work with other people and it teaches you how to become a team player, but you have to know that the decision time will come when you have to choose between what's right and what's wrong.
Is it worth it?
It is worth it if you make the right decision, but it's not worth it if you make the wrong one! VT