Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GN Commentary: Healthcare and Horses

GN Commentary: - Healthcare and Horses
(Click title for video)
Find your Bible and check out all the details of God's health care program and Jesus Christ's plan to make it universally available to all mankind.

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Video Transcript
Healthcare and horses. All the private and government healthcare programs in all the nations—especially right now in America—could learn a great healthcare lesson from a Viking king who refused to eat his horse!
The United States is in the midst of a huge debate about private vs. public healthcare.
No doubt many countries marvel at the how late America is stepping into the socialistic pond of public healthcare.
Many US leaders claim that American private healthcare is the best in the world precisely because it is private enterprise based. Others claim that millions don't get healthcare unless the government provides it. And yet others counter-claim that people won't get good healthcare if the government does provide it.
But all those healthcare theories and systems miss the most important point—none of them can match God's healthcare system.
Almost 3500 years ago Moses was inspired to write down the divine program! 3500 years should have been plenty of time for people to read and copy out the details. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Knowledge of divine healthcare has long been around in the minds of some.
There was a Viking king of Norway, Haakon the Good, who came to power about 935 AD. He had been reared in England as a Christian and the foster son of the Saxon king.
Shortly after his ascension, his Viking followers held a pagan feast that featured a menu of horse-flesh. The history book says, "[Haakon] refused to partake of the horse-flesh, the eating of which was forbidden by the Christian religion as it had been taught to him…" (1.) Amazingly and correctly King Haakon had learned that God had not made horseflesh for human consumption!
In fact God's healthcare system features disease prevention through a prescribed diet. You might be surprised which meats are on God's "eat" and "don't eat" lists!
In fact God's healthcare system includes among its features, disease prevention through a proscribed diet, an active life, quarantine, cleanliness, sexual morality and the most vital and overlooked part epitomized by Jesus Himself—divine healing. That's one treatment that modern public or private healthcare systems can't provide!
So the next time you're tempted to eat your horse, think of the great Viking King Haakon and don't do it!
Instead, find your Bible and check out all the details of God's healthcare program and Jesus Christ's plan to make it universally available to all mankind.
For GN magazine, I'm Randy Stiver.

Reference:(1.) Northmen of Adventure, by Charles Marshall Smith, p. 156, Longmans Green & Co., 1932

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