About the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar

Through all of this, you need to understand that God’s purpose is not to destroy the world, but to save it! At some point, maybe soon, this world’s system will collapse exactly as the Bible predicts. This time that Jesus spoke about will be fulfilled!
However, there is spectacular hope for those who understand. Today’s crises are central prophecies that Jesus Christ spoke about. He said these things would take place right before He establishes the Kingdom of God on earth.
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http://www.ucg.org/kingdom-god-bible-seminar/That’s why you need to attend the United Church of God Kingdom of God Bible Seminars in your city. They will be held simultaneously in more than 100 locations across the United States and in many countries around the world.
In our world today you need to see why Jesus Christ’s original message of the Kingdom of God (found in over 100 places in the New Testament), is largely unrecognized by Christianity today—even though it holds the key to human survival.
These Kingdom of God Bible Seminars will unlock the Bible to your understanding as never before.
From the beginning, the Kingdom of God was the focus of Christ’s own ministry. “Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel’” (Mark:1:14-15[14]Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,[15]And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.).
What you will learn
Our seminars will explain to you things Christ said that you will not hear in most churches today. You will be shown the key signs Jesus said would be manifest in world affairs just before He brings the Kingdom of God to this earth.Find out stunningly important information about your opportunity to enter the Kingdom of God, and how to develop a meaningful relationship with God as never before—all based on Christ’s central teachings—truths ignored by most people. This message is the only one Christ authorized to be taught in His name, and it is central to your survival. It is also your greatest opportunity. Even more, it is the key to your well being now, and gives positive meaning to everything you face, including every challenge you experience in life.
You will not be asked to join any church and there will be no solicitations for money. And we recommend you bring your own Bible—you will see things in it you never knew were there!
In the Kingdom of God Bible Seminars you will:
- Easily come to understood Christ’s true Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
- Receive handouts of dozens of scriptures never quoted in most churches today that are central to Christ’s teachings—organized for easy understanding of Christ’s Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
- Be given links to online resources and direct communication with the presenters.
- Enjoy complimentary light refreshments and snacks.
- Have the opportunity for follow up Bible study meetings at central locations, with easy to read topic-specific booklets for targeted scriptural understanding.
Plan to attend now. You will hear Christ’s astonishing teaching of the Kingdom of God. It is the storyline and theme taught throughout the scriptures from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation!
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