Understanding and implementing unconditional love and unconditional respect can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended.
Book Information
Emerson Eggerichs
Thomas Nelson
Publication Date
jonathanjmagee recommends this book.
Hardcover, 324 pagesHusbands appreciate being respected more than loved and wives appreciate love more than respect. Don't believe it? Ask your spouse. It may surprising, but this seems to be true of most couples.
Based upon Ephesians 5:33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
See All... and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can change their reach a new level in their relationship.
Love & Respect explains the key to understanding and cracking the communication code between husband and wife. It involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find.
Whether you and your mate are attempting a fresh start or improving on an already healthy marriage. It really seems as though this book's message can help.
I think this book along with The Five Love Languages really help one understand how to understand and how to love your mate on much deeper level.
I think this book is special in that seems like it can even help those marriages where only one person is willing to read the book and follow it's advice. Although its much harder, this books gives great practical advice to nurture your partner back into a more healthy godly relationship.
If you are married or soon to be, I strongly recommend this book.
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