Friday, March 28, 2014

Forward: Factual Foresight of Fictitious Hindsight?

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Forward: Factual Foresight of Fictitious Hindsight?

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The world is full of information produced en masse by anyone anywhere and available to all.

Forward: Factual Foresight of Fictitious Hindsight?
The world is full of information produced en masse by anyone anywhere and available to all. Being creatures of emotion, we often react before we know the truth. In 1985 the New York Mets signed a pitcher named Sid Fitch who could throw a 186 mile-per-hour fastball. In 1998 Alabama changed the value of pi to a more biblical 3.0.  In 1986, the Eiffel tower was going to be dismantled and reconstructed in Euro Disney. In 2008 flying penguins were discovered. Of course all this information was released on April 1, and they were April fools jokes played on the public.
All these “facts” have something in common. They were believed by a great many people. It seems there is no end to gullibility. If it is published, or enough people repeat it, it must be true.
Years ago in Ambassador College a student gave a speech on how gullible Americans were. His speech was about J. Edgar Hoover. In the newspaper he had read how Hoover was a vacuum cleaner, and the FBI had a janitor named Edgar. So they created J. Edgar Hoover to clean up Washington and foisted him off on the public. The speech was given with passion in true sincerity.
Of course there really was a J. Edgar Hoover, and the story was a column by Art Buchwald, the comedic writer. The student was rather embarrassed since the “gullible” person was himself, displayed before a live audience.
Have we ever been embarrassed by making decisions or taking courses of action built on emotional responses to “created” facts? 1 Thessalonians:5:21 says to “prove all things, hold fast to that which is true.” Many people were led away in the first century. “I wrote unto the church, but Diotrephes, who loved to have the preeminence among them, receives us not” (3 John 9). The man must have had some pretty convincing words to take over a church and turn away an apostle appointed by Jesus.
How many people have gone down the road to division by people who have smitten them with “facts” designed to create an emotional response? Often it is given “on good authority” while refusing to state who the “authority” was. These anonymous facts, perhaps spread with all sincerity by those who believe them, are usually supplied by someone who has a selfish cause to be in charge or to have things done their way. Most often there is the cry of  “unfair!”
Years ago a long-time evangelist was called on to cast out a demon. Before casting it out, he asked, “Why did you rebel against God’s perfect government?” The answer was, “Because God was unfair!”
Is God ever “unfair”? Often God creates situations where things appear, or may even be, “unfair.” This is the only way to find out if we truly have faith in Him to work it out, or will we take matters into our own hands. King Saul made this mistake when Samuel was “late” for the offering, so Saul did it himself (1 Samuel:13:10). Patience is a proof of faith.
Sadly far too many have fallen prey to this trick of Satan. The only way to survive is to not be caught up in emotion. To prove all things and have the patience to see if what you have been told is indeed fact or fiction. Foresight takes faith and time to see if it is fictitious. Hindsight is 20/20, but there is a price. Thankfully there is repentance if you already chose unwisely.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

World News and Trends: Marriage and money; divorce and debt

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World News and Trends: Marriage and money; divorce and debt

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Could marriage actually lead to being more wealthy?

Many studies have documented the benefits of marriage. But who would have thought that marriage actually promotes wealth? And who would have thought that divorce brings on poverty?
"Marrying for money, it turns out, works. A study by an Ohio State University researcher shows that a person who marries—and stays married—accumulates nearly twice as much personal wealth as a person who is single or divorced. And for those who divorce, it's a bit more expensive than giving up half of everything they own. They lose, on average, three-fourths of their personal net worth" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 18).
In spite of criticism of marriage as an outmoded institution, and people's growing willingness to divorce (or never marry in the first place), the facts speak for themselves. Perhaps society should take an unbiased look at the Bible. It tells us that God encourages marriage, and for a number of good reasons: procreation, sharing, service, sacrifice and building our children's future, to name a few.
Now we discover that marriage also pays off financially. No wonder Proverbs:18:22 tells us, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." To learn more about the blessings marriage brings, request our free booklet Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension . (Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer.)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Homosexuality & Same Sex Attraction (SSA)

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Homosexuality & Same Sex Attraction (SSA)

It’s important for everyone to truly understand this subject. It’s especially important if you are experiencing SSA or someone you love is experiencing it. This article uses our own church history to clarify many aspects of this subject. Today, we feel very ashamed of our general lack of understanding, sensitivity and love 50+ years ago. Since then, we have had dramatic growth in our understanding and attitudes. We hope and pray that our church (which carries the name United Church of God since 1995 and referred to as UCG in this article) will be an ideal spiritual home for anyone with SSA who sincerely desires to learn and live by God’s Word, the Bible, in preparation for eternal life in God’s Kingdom.
Satan is the author of terrible confusion! Currently one area of enormous confusion is people’s sexual orientation.
In place of “homosexual orientation,” we feel it is more clear to say “same sex attraction” or SSA.
I first began to study this subject in 1974 when I became the pastor of a congregation in which one man had experienced SSA for as long as he could remember. In recent years, I have written on this subject, but my decision to write this article was triggered by a seminar on SSA conducted by our church in Seattle, Washington, on July 18, 2009. The presenter, Dennis Luker, specifically addressed the subject of understanding and helping people with SSA that God has called to be in His church. That is the focus of this article.
Mr. Luker began by describing his background. The first congregation he pastored was in San Francisco, but he really began to understand homosexuality after he was transferred to Seattle in 1980. There a church member with a homosexual background began ongoing counseling and invited Denny to go with him to a seminar put on by Exodus International. (EI is the world’s largest umbrella organization for coordinating worldwide efforts to help people come out of a homosexual lifestyle.) That was the beginning of Denny’s eye-opening education regarding homosexuality and SSA.
Following are the major points in Mr. Luker’s seminar
  • There is a big difference between those who choose to experiment with homosexual acts and someone who has had SSA ever since he or she can remember.
  • Many who struggle with SSA have never engaged in a homosexual act.
  • There have always been and always will be members of the church (and/or their children) who struggle with SSA.
  • In the past, very few members of the church understood this subject well enough to help themselves or their family members.
  • SSA is not primarily a sex problem—it is a love problem. (For example, many of the men with SSA were not loved sufficiently by their fathers and many of the women were not loved sufficiently by their mothers.) These are people whose underlying hunger is to experience real love, usually because they missed out on it when they were very young.
  • The strugglers need to deeply know how much God loves them.
  • They also need to experience love from family and/or friends, especially those of the same sex. (In fact, a major way that we come to know God’s love is when it is flowing through other people to us.) People with SSA are some of the loneliest people in the world (and in the church).
Our church has come a long way!
Thankfully, our church has come a long, long way in our understanding and attitudes about people with same sex attraction.
The primary focus of this article is not about people who choose to engage in homosexual activity for one reason or the other. (That is primarily a behavior problem, not a mental orientation problem. When those people are called, they must simply repent and choose to stop the immorality!)
Nor is this article even about people with homosexual orientation that God is not yet calling—not yet opening their minds to spiritual understanding. It is about people who have felt ingrained SSA as far back as they can remember, whom God has called or is calling into His Church, and who have been or will be struggling against the temptations. I frequently will call them strugglers.
We know that from the very beginning of God’s Church, God has been calling people out of every kind of immoral lifestyle, both heterosexual and homosexual (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Paul went on to say, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God” (verse 11, emphasis added throughout).
God’s Ten Commandments are shorthand statements that refer to ten large categories of sins. The seventh Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery,” means that God forbids all sexual sins, including adultery, fornication, homosexuality and bestiality.
God forbids sinful thoughts as well as sinful actions. Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). Sexual lust is erotic craving.
The principle of what Jesus said about mental “lust for” a woman being “adultery” surely applies to a woman lusting for a man and for anyone lusting for someone of the same sex.
But we also know that temptation to sin is not of itself a sin. Temptations often do not proceed to sinful actions or even mental lust. Even Jesus “was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Most men, and some women, are tempted to commit fornication, adultery, and/or homosexual acts, but the temptations by themselves are not sins.
A temptation can be just a momentary thought to do wrong. But when a person willingly dwells on such thoughts and entertains them rather than rejecting them, he is lusting. To avoid lusting, he or she must quickly replace wrong thoughts with good thoughts.
What about the word “attraction”? We generally think of sexual “attraction” to the opposite sex as being a healthy mental orientation that God intended. It is not sinful and not necessarily even a temptation to sin. So when someone has sexual attraction toward the same sex, while it is not the healthy mental orientation that God intended, isn’t it logical to conclude that the mere attraction is not sinful and not necessarily a temptation to sinful action? (Obviously sexual attractions can easily lead to sexual temptations which can lead to lust which can lead to sinful actions, whether heterosexual or homosexual.)
Were homosexuals born that way or did they choose that way?
Or neither?
This subject is often polarized as a dichotomy—as if there are only two explanations—that a person with SSA was either born that way or that he chose that way. But for most people with SSA who feel they were born that way, there is another explanation.
People who feel like they have always had a homosexual orientation are people, at least in most cases, who had less than ideal experience in the first years of childhood, so their SSA feelings go back as far as they can remember. In childhood, they had too little of good experiences (like love, affection and affirmation) or too much of bad experiences (like physical, verbal or sexual abuse) or some of both. As a result, they are emotionally wounded. But their SSA seems “natural” to them.
There has never been any evidence that sexual orientation is genetic. However it is likely that some people are born with more of a predisposition to SSA than others. As a comparison, it seems that some people are born with some predisposition to alcoholism, drug addiction, overeating, etc. (Incidentally, an alcoholic is not sinning when he merely feels a desire to drink. A person with SSA is not sinning when he merely feels a desire for sex.)
The main point is this: Many people with ingrained SSA did not choose to have that attraction. They have had SSA ever since they can remember. Many have tried to change that orientation by willpower, prayer, Bible study and everything they could think of and have usually failed. They feel helpless and hopeless. (Of course, they must choose not to do anything immoral. They, like every other child of God, must exercise self-control to avoid sinful actions and lustful thoughts.)
Some of our church history
When I first became serious about God in 1962, it seems the whole subject of homosexuality was just coming “out of the closet.” At age 21, if I had ever personally known someone with SSA, I was not aware of it. “Queers” had just been a topic of crude jokes and remarks.
Attitudes in the church at that time weren’t very different. The impression often given was that homosexuality was an “abomination” and about the worst of sins—demonized as almost the unpardonable sin that deserved the hottest fires of hell. There was a lot of verbal stone-throwing and not much healing.
In conversations, seldom did one distinguish between those who only had a homosexual orientation and those actively engaged in a gay lifestyle. Usually it was all painted with one broad brush.
It was also a topic of derisive humor, ridiculing the “queers” and “perverts.” To joke about them was a sure way to get a laugh. Often someone would mimic an effeminate voice and an effeminate gesture (even though many homosexuals are not effeminate and many effeminate men are not homosexuals).
It seemed that by ridiculing homosexual men as repulsive untouchables, a man was proving both how macho he was and how spiritual he was. (People who feel insecure have a special need to “prove” themselves.)
Paradoxically, the attitudes of heterosexual men about lesbianism are often much less critical. Why the double standard?
And think of the blatant hypocrisy of people who have been much more condemning of homosexual sins than heterosexual sins! Perhaps many of the self-righteous critics had previously engaged in heterosexual fornication, adultery and/or pornography. We humans are prone to invent our self-serving definitions of what is more evil and what is less evil.
In the 1960’s, our church was unprepared as to how to welcome, counsel and befriend the people with SSA that God was calling. Rather than “hate the sin but love the sinner,” the church’s message sounded like “hate the sinner also.”
Our church and probably most Christian churches were making the mistake of portraying SSA—inner temptations and feelings—as sinful. This had a devastating effect on those with SSA. That erroneous idea led those with SSA to reason this way: “If God hates my inner feelings, and I can’t separate my feelings from me, then God must hate me.” The flaws in the church’s message quickly discouraged most strugglers from pursuing interest in the church.
When someone with SSA did request a ministerial visit, he usually was fearful to open up and request counseling for his SSA. Most of them were accustomed to being secretive about their desires, and in our church culture, most did not dare share their secret, even with a church pastor. So most of them just faked heterosexuality.
Many who attended our church services often heard about how terribly evil were homosexual sins, but heard almost nothing indicating understanding, compassion and kindness toward the strugglers. And they usually did not hear any invitation to strugglers to come for confidential and empathetic counseling designed to bring about God’s healing, grace and spiritual growth.
At the same time, it was difficult for the struggler to know how to initiate and build strong healthy friendships with church members, especially those of the same sex (which was so badly needed). They didn’t even realize this was what they needed because no one was teaching them that.
In many cases, their feelings of guilt, shame, fear, hopelessness and despair often became overwhelming and they quit attending services. Not surprisingly, the attitudes of many later turned into resentment, anger and bitterness. Thankfully, there are some with SSA who have stayed in the church, and they have been a valuable resource for helping us understand SSA and many related issues.
Our growth in understanding and some lessons learned
Over the years, we’ve learned many biblical truths much more clearly and deeply. We have come to much better understand God’s grace and God’s love for every single human being—love that He has had for us all along, even long before we began to repent (Romans 5:6-11).
We’ve learned that we must love everyone, even our enemies and even the “chief” of sinners, as Paul called himself (1 Timothy 1:15). We’ve learned not to compare ourselves among ourselves. We’ve learned that everyone desperately needs love and to feel loved—and that character and personality problems often are the results of people being abused, neglected, abandoned or treated coldly, especially if those problems occurred in early childhood. “Unlovable” people are generally the people who are most in need of love.
We’ve learned that all of us are messed up—we all have our unique combination of insanity—yet we are still tempted to minimize our own flaws and maximize those of others. We’re learning that we had better be merciful because we increasingly see our need for God’s mercy!
My specific learning experiences about SSA? First of all, I’ve had a lot of relatives and friends with many different kinds of struggles—smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, etc., etc. So ever since God called me, I’ve had a strong interest in helping members to “break free” of personal problems.
Shortly after I started regular church attendance in 1962, I learned of fellow members who had been involved with homosexuality. That made me realize that SSA was more of a widespread issue than I had thought.
Then in 1974, when I was pastoring a church in Nebraska, I became aware that a man in my congregation struggled with SSA. I had learned enough about godly love for everyone by that time that I tried to be a good brother and friend to him. I think he left the church after I was transferred away from there.
After being transferred to Texas in 1991, a man in my congregation had come out of an active gay lifestyle and had become a church member, but he continued to be strongly tempted to go back into that lifestyle. I tried my best to help him but he eventually left the church. For people with strong temptations, it’s tough to stay on the right track.
During my dialogues and efforts with these strugglers, I gained a lot of understanding. Then in 1990, Dennis Luker wrote an eye-opening article for our church’s magazine, titled “Hope for Homosexuals”. And in 1994, our church’s magazine carried an article by Mr. Luker and John Halford titled “Homosexuality: Understanding the Struggle.” These articles were a giant steps forward in understanding for the church.
Others have pioneered in our understanding, including Melvin Rhodes. He helped to pioneer and promote the Anchor Web site, which was the forerunner of this Breaking Free Web site. I began helping with that project in 2004.
I also would like to compliment the writers of our church’s booklet, Marriage & Family: The Missing Dimension. The section titled “Is Homosexuality Acceptable to God?” is well written. It is not condemning of homosexuals and it does not label SSA as sin.
The booklet makes it clear that it is homosexual lust and acting out that is sinful, not mere SSA. In addressing what is sinful, notice the emphasis on actions from these words and phrases that are repeatedly used in that booklet: lifestyle, homosexual activity, homosexual practices, homosexual acts, homosexual behavior.
Near the end of that section is this statement: “It is also important to understand the difference between homosexual orientation and homosexual lust and behavior. The orientation is not a sin but the lust and behavior is.”
Priorities in counseling prospective members and members with SSA
Many of the Christian churches go to one wrong extreme or the other. Some continue to sound condemning of anyone with a homosexual orientation, some are condoning homosexual lifestyles, and some try to coerce new believers to quickly get “repaired” so they will be fully heterosexual. We in UCG strongly disagree with all of those ditches. Our goal is to learn, preach and practice the pure and balanced light of truth from God’s Word.
We know we must define sin without compromise and preach repentance, but we also must give lots of encouragement and hope. To do this well requires understanding, compassion, mercy and kindness. As we encourage strugglers to take one step at a time, we can help them make decisions based on God’s priorities.
We try not think of SSA by itself as an issue of morality. As long as a person remains celibate—does not engage in sexual acts with another—that person is doing well morally.
After stopping immoral activity, the next step is to work on the thoughts and heart. That begins with repentance, baptism, coming under God’s grace and receiving His Holy Spirit. It means to replace the leaven of sin with the unleavened bread of truth and obedience to God (1 Corinthians 5:7-8). To replace hatred and coldness with love for God and love for fellow man (Matthew 5:43-48). To replace the “works of the flesh” with the “fruit of the Holy Spirit” (Galatians 5:19-23). This includes fighting against lusts of all kinds—“the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16).
When we preach about hating sin, we try to emphasize God’s love for all sinners—and about how we must follow God’s example of having respect, kindness and hospitality to every brother and sister in Christ. When we bring up the subject of homosexuality, we try to assume that someone sitting in the congregation is struggling with SSA and is already emotionally wounded. We pray that all our words are words of healing and not hurting.
We must all emphasize God’s love and grace. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1). A converted member who still has SSA should not feel condemned.
God doesn’t quit loving us even when we slip up and sin. If we are baptized and under God’s grace, we don’t fall out of grace each time we sin. We keep repenting, confessing and asking for help, and God will keep forgiving. People who are trying to overcome any kind of sin can slip up. When we fall down, just get back up and keep going forward.
We don’t try to influence people with SSA to seek reparative therapy, especially when the goal of the therapy is to transform the person from homosexual attraction to heterosexual attraction. The Bible says nothing about pursuing a goal of making everyone heterosexual. And we don’t push people with SSA into heterosexual dating and marriage. That will not solve the underlying problems. That can be disastrous for both people. The goal God gives us is conversion to holiness, not conversion to heterosexuality. The goal is to be oriented to God and all things godly, not to be sexually oriented to the opposite gender. (If the latter also happens, that’s a bonus.)
We want to be a true friend and brother or sister to the struggler, and continue to help him or her with the huge challenge of trying to enter new territory—fellowshipping with, bonding with and developing true friendships with other Christians of the same sex. No one can pull himself up by his own bootstraps. The struggler needs the help of a church culture that is forgiving, accepting, respectful and loving. We need to offer that help.
A person who is coming out of a homosexual practices has a two-fold struggle. Somewhere along the way his craving for love became sexualized. Therefore, in addition to battling sexual temptations, he is still also struggling with the underlying craving for love and bonding from people of his same gender. This is why his struggles may be more complex and difficult that someone resisting heterosexual sexual temptations.
Then after the person is baptized and is close to God, and after the person has developed close friendships with others of the same sex, then that person might want to try professional counseling and therapy, with one of the goals being to decrease his SSA. With spiritual growth the person might experience a growing attraction to the opposite sex and might even become desirous of marriage. But a person can be a spiritually-strong child of God and never experience attraction to the opposite sex. Remember that marriage is not for everyone, as Paul so emphatically explains in 1 Corinthians 7.
We can direct the struggler to helpful books, Web sites and organizations for further understanding and guidance.
The goal of every child of God, no matter his or her background, is to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Let’s remind each other to keep our eyes on the goal and to keep going forward, even when it seems like just baby steps.
May we understand and fully believe what Jesus said: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16-17).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Russia's Dangerous Nuclear Arsenal

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Russia's Dangerous Nuclear Arsenal

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In some ways the world is closer to nuclear conflict than in the 1950s and '60s. Then, at least, the Soviet nuclear forces were under tight control and the military was well paid.

"Russian military officers stared wide-eyed at the glowing image on their radar screens: an incoming missile on course to hit Moscow in 15 minutes ... One buzz went to the three nuclear code briefcases assigned to President Boris Yeltsin and his top two military officials. The officer carrying Yeltsin's case rushed to the President and flipped it open. On an electronic map inside, they saw a bright dot over the Norwegian Sea. Beneath the map was a row of buttons, offering a menu of attack options on targets in the U.S. On military bases across Russia, red lights flashed and horns blared, alerting the troops in charge of the country's strategic nuclear weapons to get ready to use them."
This may sound like another plot out of a Hollywood blockbuster, but it isn't. It really happened on Jan. 25, 1995. Then why are we still alive?
"Yeltsin and his military commanders, linked by phone, waited to hear whether an attack had been confirmed. About 12 minutes after the mystery missile soared onto the radar screens, military analysts could see that it was not heading for Russian territory. It turned out to be a Norwegian scientific rocket sent aloft to observe the aurora borealis. The Norwegians had dutifully notified the Russian embassy in Oslo, but the word was never relayed to the military. 'For a while,' says Sergei Yushenkov, a member of the Russian parliament's Defense Committee, 'the world was on the brink of nuclear war' " ( Newsweek, "Nuclear Disarray" (May 19, 1997).

Mix-ups Common

In light of this scenario, Russia's December announcement that, in spite of its precarious financial condition it intended to deploy the Topol-M, should cause the world serious concern. The Topol-M is a powerful new intercontinental ballistic missile.
U.S. News & World Report asked in a headline, "Just When You Thought You Were Safe ... Could a False Alarm Still Start a Nuclear War?" (Feb. 10, 1997).
Conditions leading to the possibility of potentially catastrophic mix-ups are becoming more prevalent. The Newsweek article reports that, because of the lack of maintenance of their nuclear arsenal, "the Russians might wrongly think they were under attack from the West and fire their rockets. This danger has greatly increased because the Russian early-warning system is not what it used to be. It has lost major radar stations in the new nations of Ukraine, Latvia and others. Some of its satellite-tracking stations have gone to Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. The high command is now partially blind, which increases its apprehensions, produces false alarms and makes good decisions harder."
The U.S. News article describes human mistakes bringing us to the brink of disaster not once, but several times: "Human error is more than a theoretical concern. In the Norwegian case, Moscow had been notified in advance of the launch, but no one thought to pass word to senior military officials. In more than one instance, real launch orders have been transmitted by mistake during American nuclear training exercises. And in 1979, the inadvertent introduction of training data into the NORAD [North American Aerospace Defense] early warning system computer mimicked a large Soviet attack. Soviet leaders got the same treatment in 1983, as a solar storm duped early warning satellites into indicating a massive U.S. attack."
Defense Minister Igor Rodinov goes even further in the Newsweek article: "Last year [1996], the nuclear strategic forces received 10.5 percent of the funds needed for maintenance. The result, he predicts, is that, 'We may lose the entire system.' The links between radar and headquarters, the computer management of missiles and the physical security of the warheads could all break down."
To add to their woes, troops of the Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF) are earning an average of $100 to $200 a month—when they are paid. The same article reports, "One major, who has served 24 years in the SNF and will retire in six months, did not see a paycheck for four months." Another officer commented: "We're living in poverty. That's all you need to know."
The Newsweek article concludes: "The potential is there for some form of nuke-napping—grabbing weapons for ransom or nuclear blackmail—or sales to rogue states or terrorists, or unauthorized launches by renegade commanders. Some Russians even fret about a nuclear civil war. If a region in Siberia were to declare its independence, a retired senior officer in Moscow speculates, 'The entire missile force in the area might cut itself off from the chain of command and control and get re-programmed to be able to launch at will.'"

False Sense of Security

Meanwhile, the world is being lulled into thinking everything is peachy when it's not. Another Newsweek article, from June 2, 1997, mentioned the mood in the United States: "The country has rarely felt so secure from the threat of war. The bomb silos on the Great Plains are on their way to becoming curious museums; to today's children, the three little triangles that denote bomb shelters might as well be an odd form of teenage graffiti" (page 4).
Yet, in some ways, we are closer to nuclear war than we were in the 1950s and '60s. Then, at least, the nuclear forces were well controlled and well paid. At that time only two superpowers were eyeing each other. Now a host of nations could detonate nuclear bombs. Russia still has an estimated 22,000 nuclear warheads and the United States 12,000. Last year was a bad one for Russia's economy, and the troops have not seen their lot improved.
On the other hand, breakdowns in the strategic nuclear system were so alarming in 1997 that, at the urgings of Americans, some improvements took place in 1998 to increase the security of the nuclear arsenal. "Not all the news from Moscow is bad," reports Newsweek . "Russia has sharply upgraded security at more than 30 sites containing fissile material" (May 25, 1998).
Yet many problems remain. How long will the underfed and underpaid forces go on without something giving? What about deficient radar systems? Will they continue to deteriorate as funds become scarcer? No one knows, but the dangers of mix-ups, accidents or thefts are real.

Nuclear Threats

Some think that, since Russia's warheads are no longer targeted at U.S. cities and military bases (and the United States is trying to persuade China to adopt a similar policy), the world is much safer. But this is simply not true. The difference between having missiles aimed or not is simply a matter of a minutes. The missiles' computer memory retains their former targets, and they can quickly be reprogrammed.
As long as Russia remains unstable economically and politically, a distinct military threat exists, especially because Russian possesses such a large nuclear arsenal. The rest of the world cannot breathe a sigh of relief, particularly America.
Based on recent developments, it appears the world's dangerous nuclear arsenal will continue to spread, especially as other nations, including India and Pakistan, join the nuclear club. Only recently the United States announced it would upgrade and modernize its nuclear missile systems so they would be in optimum condition beyond the year 2025. In spite of its economic weakness, Russia, along with other nations of the nuclear club, will attempt to do the same.
As we stand poised to enter the 21st century, the world remains dangerously overstocked with high-tech nuclear weapons, and they will be an even greater threat as less-stable and more-radical powers gain access to the technology.
Jesus Christ's prophecy in Matthew:24:22 seems especially sobering when we consider the threat facing our generation and the next: "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved ..."
Our disregard of the continuing nuclear threat also brings to mind another warning by Jesus Christ: Don't assume the world is safe when it is not. He tells us to beware of the attitude that will prevail among mankind shortly before God's intervention in human affairs:
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke:21:34-36).
Conditions are not really improving on the nuclear front, especially as other nations such as Iran, Iraq and Libya strive to join the nuclear club. Governments and military planners are rightly worry about terrorist groups gaining access to nuclear technology and material. This is not the time to be lulled into a false sense of security. GN

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pope Francis - Devotion and Obedience

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Pope Francis - Devotion and Obedience

Submitted March 14, 2013

Cardinal George Pell of the Catholic Church. Every cardinal pledged obedience to the new pope.

Source: Wikimedia Commons/Gavin Scott
I joined millions of others in watching the biggest news story of the year so far unfold: the announcement of Francis I as the new pope. There was plenty of spectacle: impressive displays by the Swiss Guard, marching bands, excited throngs singing in the pope’s honor, and seemingly baffled news anchors barely keeping up with the action.
In all of the ritual and ceremonial dogma, one specific custom caught my eye. After the presentation of Pope Francis I as the new Bishop of Rome, each of the electing cardinals stepped up to the pope and, in turn, vowed to obey him. A vow of obedience is an enormous responsibility to commit yourself to. It means that you, in essence, are living for that person from that time on and acknowledging that their will is the most important thing in your life.
I had one question in mind after watching it all. Where is God in all of this? The focus on the celebration was clearly on a man—the pope—and the ones who selected him. The cardinals referred to Francis I as their “Holy Father.” Jesus specifically said that titles like that are reserved exclusively for God the Father (Matthew:23:9).
So is unquestioning obedience. Why was it a big deal for the cardinals to vow obedience to Pope Francis? Because, as leader of the Catholic Church, the pope takes responsibility for and acts as an official representative of the beliefs of his church. And frankly, some of those beliefs just aren’t biblical, like Sunday worship , Mary reverence and a Friday to Sunday crucifixion timeline .
The apostles faced religious leaders who demanded obedience to themselves instead of God. They had the right perspective. The apostles responded to them, “We must obey God rather than any human authority” (Acts:5:29, New Living Translation). The cardinals made their choice, and they decided they would obey a man. You have the same exact choice to make right now. Will you obey a man? Or will you obey the God who created the universe, the true Holy Father of all?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cardinal Dolan, You Can't Have It Both Ways

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Cardinal Dolan, You Can't Have It Both Ways


What does God have to say about religious leaders who call good evil and evil good?

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[Gary Petty] In a recent edition of NBC's Meet the Press, New York's Cardinal Dolan was asked about a situation involving a nationally known athlete who had come out, claiming that he was gay. Cardinal Dolan's response was this: "The same Bible that tells us – that teaches us well about the virtues of chastity and the virtue of fidelity in marriage, also tells us not to judge people, so I would say, 'bravo'."
Well, Cardinal Dolan, you can't have it both ways. You see, the opposite of virtue is vice. The opposite of right is wrong. The opposite of good is evil. Mr. Dolan, what I would suggest you do is read your Bible more – especially the passages that talk about how God is going to judge religious leaders who claim good is evil and evil is good (Isaiah:5:20).
That's BT Daily . Join us next time.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Behind the Headlines... A World Without the United States

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Behind the Headlines... A World Without the United States

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Imagine the unimaginable: The president, in the White House, the vice president, at the National Observatory, and all Cabinet members, in their respective agency headquarters, are killed in a terrorist attack on downtown Washington.

Imagine the unimaginable: The president, in the White House, the vice president, at the National Observatory, and all Cabinet members, in their respective agency headquarters, are killed in a terrorist attack on downtown Washington. So are all members of Congress, except the few who happen to be out of town.
"What happens to the Republic? At the moment, the answer is alarming: chaos."
So began a disturbing article in the Dec. 10 Washington Post .
Continuing, the writer added: "The Sept. 11 attacks and subsequent release of anthrax on Capitol Hill have left many lawmakers and constitutional experts concerned that the federal government does not have adequate succession and continuity plans in place to recover from a catastrophic terrorist attack on Washington."
Pause for a moment and consider: What would the world be like without America? Can you imagine what our lives might be like without the superpower on which the world relies so much?

A world without America

The world has not been the same since Sept. 11. The possibility of an even deadlier terrorist attack on Washington in the foreseeable future cannot be ruled out. If such an attack were to take place, it is difficult to imagine how the United States could continue to be the leader of the free world. The consequences would be unimaginable—except that the Bible prophesies such a time.
The biblical book of Revelation reveals that the world will come under the domination of a union of 10 "kings" (rulers or heads of state) immediately before the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation:17:12-14). What could precipitate the transfer of dominance from the United States to this European-centered group of nations, which "will give their power and authority" to a leader the Bible calls "the beast"?
Since World War II the United States has been the undisputed leader of the Western world. Before the United States, the British Empire was the world's leading power for well over a century. The United States and Great Britain share similar values. Nobody alive can remember a time when one of these nations was not the major force in the world.
Certainly neither the United States nor Britain has been a perfect world leader. But it is equally certain that domination by other nations would have made the world an entirely different place. A look at fairly recent history well illustrates this.
Before the supremacy of the English-speaking powers, the major Western player was France, whose King Louis XIV (1643-1715) vainly declared, "I am the state." The concept of the divine right of kings was essential to centralized state power. Before France, Spain was dominant. "His Most Catholic Majesty," the king of Spain, saw himself and his country as instruments of God in spreading the faith of the "one true catholic church" to the four corners of the earth. If people did not willingly convert, then there were other means of persuasion.
England and her colonies were to struggle against these forces of despotism for more than 250 years, from the time of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) until the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, when Napoleon's dreams of world conquest were finally defeated.
A century later Germany's kaiser and later Hitler made further attempts at world conquest. Japan was also set on imposing her will on the world. Afterwards, Russian and Chinese communism threatened the peace of the planet.
For most of this time a "multitude of nations" (Genesis:48:19), biblically prophesied though rarely recognized as such, was the primary force that defended liberty. After Pearl Harbor that was to change, with the United States taking over from Great Britain and its Commonwealth associates the role of the leading military power. However imperfectly, both Britain and America based their political, economic and religious systems on the value and freedom of the individual.
In contrast, most continental-European nations historically have placed little value on individual freedom; they have subscribed instead to variants of Louis XIV's famous dictum emphasizing strong central government at the expense of individual liberty. In Western Europe this has been tempered since World War II during America's period of supremacy.
A post—Anglo-Saxon world is frightening to contemplate. Whoever takes over as the dominant power will not share the values of the United States and Britain. Maybe some of those principles would remain, but certainly not all.
How it might happen is a topic for another discussion. But, for the moment, imagine the unimaginable—Washington gone. What would happen?

Who would lead the West?

"The West" is an all-encompassing term that goes back to the Western Roman Empire. When the military and political empire collapsed in the fifth century, the church became the empire. As historian Paul Johnson put it in his 1972 book The Offshore Islanders : "The Church was the continuation of the empire." He added: "Politics and religion were inseparable."
The Roman Empire was the fourth empire of Daniel's vision of Daniel 2 and one of the four beasts of Daniel 7. For 12 centuries, from the time of Emperor Constantine (306-337), when the Roman church became the state church, until the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, the Catholic Church was a powerful force in the history of the West.
During the Protestant Reformation, England broke with the church of Rome. Theoretically it was now free to act independently of Rome. But, until its ascendancy was fully realized, England had to defend herself against continental Catholic powers that were willing to use force to subdue her. In the course of time Britain became the dominant Western power. Her multitude of nations girdling the globe were to become the defenders of the West against the French emperor Napoleon and Germany's kaiser and Hitler. America was to continue that role as the leader of the free world.

What, then, is the West?

To people in Britain and the United States, as well as the peoples of northwestern Europe, the emphasis is on freedom of the individual, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, democracy, human rights, economic freedom and property rights. Neither country has been perfect in these areas, but this is where most people would put their emphasis.
But, in a wider sense, the West comprises all the nations that can trace their history and culture back to the nations that were once part of the Western Roman Empire. England and some other countries of northwestern Europe separated themselves from the Western church in the 1500s. These states went on to embrace democratic systems of government, with emphasis on basic freedoms for individual citizens.
Most of the other Western nations, however, maintained their loyalty to the "mother church" and, until well into the 20th century, retained strictly hierarchical, monarchical forms of government.
But their common cultural heritage goes back to Rome. Interestingly, the 1957 Treaty of Rome began the long and arduous process of bringing most of these nations back together in the European Union.
These nations make up the majority of Western nations. They have tacitly recognized the American leadership of the West since 1945. But, if America were to suffer devastating setbacks, what would these nations do? Would they sit back and let themselves be defeated by the forces of militant Islam, a force that has threatened them previously in their history? Would they wait and see if somebody else replaced the United States as leader of the "free world"? What is the free world, anyway?
Uppermost in their minds would be the need to preserve their independence, economic well-being and way of life. Western nations are trading nations. They depend on trade, business and the prosperity of the capitalist system. Never mind freedom of religion or freedom of the individual. Historically, those values became important only during Britain's and America's preeminence. With America gone, who would care about such expensive niceties? The security of the state would be of paramount importance.
Jobs and the economy would be next on the list.
Daniel 11 states that, at the time of the end, a powerful force known as the king of the South will push against or attack the king of the North (verse 40). This threatens the security and prosperity of those under the king of the North. They react with massive military force, suggestive of advanced technology, which is not possible without wealth.
The United States and Canada are presently in alliance with the other Western nations. But they will not be a part of the 10 nations that come together in the prophesied revival of the Roman Empire. These nations most likely will come from the same geographical area as the nations that made up the original Roman Empire, nations that have signed the Treaty of Rome, the economic union that is rapidly being transformed into a political and military union.

An ever-closer union

In recent months some of these countries have made a dramatic and unprecedented change—the replacement of their national currencies with one multinational currency, the euro. Of the 15 European Union (EU) nations, 12 have become a single market to a greater degree than ever before. At the same time, the 15 are busy negotiating with 10 other European nations that are likely to be members of the EU by 2005. France and Germany have proposed a new European constitution that would also unite the EU nations politically.
Militarily, a significant step has been taken as a direct consequence of the events of Sept. 11. To the surprise of everyone concerned, all 15 members of the EU agreed to send troops as part of the international security force for Afghanistan. This is unprecedented. Three of the 15 are neutral countries. Never before have all 15 agreed on anything militarily. This is a reflection of the dramatic shift that has changed thinking around the world since the terrorist attacks on America.
At the present, most of the nations of the EU are also members of NATO, the military alliance that links North America and Western Europe.
After Sept. 11 the United States asked NATO to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. This enables any member country to claim the military support of other members when attacked by a nation from outside the alliance. Originally this was intended to help any European nation attacked by the Soviet Union or its allies. Article 5 had never before been invoked. It is of supreme irony that the first nation to request the invoking of Article 5 was the United States, until now the ultimate guarantor of the freedom of the other member states.
It has often been said since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington that the world will never be the same. Yet it will be some time before the implications and consequences will be fully realized.
Sept. 11 is frequently compared to the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, America's second-biggest loss of life in one day. That attack awoke a sleeping giant, the United States. By the end of the war less than four years later, America was the world's greatest military power.
Could it be that one of the consequences of Sept. 11 will be the awakening of another sleeping giant, the European Union, out of which will rise the final resurrection of the Roman Empire? We shouldn't rule out this possibility. Make no mistake about it, the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation concerning the rise of a new end-time superpower will come to pass. It's our responsibility to watch world trends and events so we will not be caught unprepared. GN

Friday, March 14, 2014

Profiles of Faith: Queen Esther - A Woman Willing to Save Others

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Profiles of Faith: Queen Esther - A Woman Willing to Save Others

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The story of Esther and Mordecai transcends time and culture. The situation they faced still applies and teaches valuable spiritual lessons. We should have godly, loving faith built on a loving, trusting relationship with God.

Esther turned and pointed toward Haman: “The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman!” Haman was mortified.

Source: Illustration by Michael Woodruff
The Jewish exile Mordecai knew the situation was dire and dangerous. Through a sinister plot, the Jews in Persia were secretly condemned to death (Esther 3). Mordecai pleaded with Queen Esther to risk her life: "If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther:4:14).
The story of Esther and Mordecai transcends time and culture. The situation they faced still applies and teaches valuable spiritual lessons.

Setting for the Story

Esther's story takes place near the end of the events described in the Old Testament. The two kingdoms of Israel and Judah had fallen and been taken into captivity in Assyria and Babylon, respectively.
By this time, several hundred years after their fall, the descendants of Israel—the "lost 10 tribes"—had scattered and disappeared from the Middle Eastern map. The descendants of Judah, however, had maintained their beliefs and way of life while in Babylon. However, Babylon, too, had fallen, and now the Jews lived under the benign rule of the Persian Empire.
The Persians had allowed Jews willing to make the long overland journey the opportunity to return to Jerusalem and their homeland. Although many had made the trip, many more had decided to remain where were and put down roots.
The book of Esther is a complement to the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Although those books describe life for the Jews who returned to Palestine, Esther is the only Bible book that offers a portrait of those who chose to remain in Persia.
The book of Esther introduces us to a great king of Persia known as Ahasuerus (Hebrew), or Xerxes (Greek). In 479 B.C. the Greeks defeated Ahasuerus in the battle at Salamis.
The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the Persian king sought consolation in his harem after his defeat. He gave a huge banquet, lasting several days, for palace personnel (Esther:1:1-8). At that time Queen Vashti— wife of Ahasuerus—gave a banquet for the women of the palace. On the seventh day of his banquet, the king commanded Vashti to appear before his court so everyone could behold her beauty (Esther:1:9-11).
But the queen refused to appear before her husband. So Ahasuerus, on the advice of his counselors, decided to look for someone to replace her as queen.
The king's servants came up with a plan: "Let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king; and let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather all the beautiful young virgins to Shushan the citadel, into the women's quarters, under the custody of Hegai the king's eunuch ... Then let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti" (Esther:2:2-4). The king agreed and looked forward to the prospect of a beautiful wife who could become his new queen.

Esther Becomes Queen

Mordecai was an older cousin of Esther's who had helped raise her: "And Mordecai had brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter, for she had neither father nor mother" (Esther:2:7). They lived in Shushan.
The king's decree brought to his palace many beautiful young women, but none was more beautiful than Esther. From the beginning Hegai, a eunuch and custodian of the women, favored Esther favor, "so he readily gave beauty preparations to her, besides her allowance" (Esther:2:9).
In turn, each young lady was presented before the king. When it came Esther's turn, she was allowed to choose her attire. However, "she requested nothing but what Hegai the king's eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her" (Esther:2:15). Hegai knew the king's social tastes. She deferred to his advice.
Finally, Esther was presented before the king. "The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. Then the king made a great feast, the Feast of Esther, for all his officials and servants; and he proclaimed a holiday in the provinces and gave gifts according to the generosity of a king" (Esther:2:17-18). Thus Esther became queen of Persia.

Mordecai Averts Assassination

One day Mordecai, now a royal official, found that two of the king's doorkeepers planned to assassinate the king. Mordecai told Esther, who promptly warned the king. The king hanged the men. These proceedings, including Mordecai's faithful disclosure, were "written in the book of the chronicles in the presence of the king" (Esther:2:23).
Throughout this time Esther, on Mordecai's advice, had not told the king of her family background or that she was related to Mordecai.

Haman's Jealous Plot

Another chain of events then began that would threaten Esther and Mordecai.
King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, one of his officials, above all other officials and nobles. By the king's order all the others were to bow and pay homage to Haman. But Mordecai, faithful to God's instruction that prohibited the veneration of anyone but God (Exodus:20:5), refused.
Others noticed Mordecai's refusal to bow to Haman. They confronted Mordecai, who still refused. Then they told Haman.
Haman grew furious (Esther:3:5). He determined that Mordecai was a Jew, prompting him to craft a plan to kill not only Mordecai but all the Jews throughout Persia—because of Mordecai's refusal to honor him.
Haman and his accomplices cast lots to determine the best day to massacre the Jews. They decided the best day to carry out their perfidy would arrive some 11 months later. Haman presented his plan, couched in deceptive language to hide his motivation, to the king.
"There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from all other people's, and they do not keep the king's laws. Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain. If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the work, to bring it into the king's treasuries" (Esther:3:8-9).
The king, alarmed at this perceived threat, foolishly agreed: "The money and the people are given to you, to do with them as seems good to you" (Esther:3:11). The decree gave any Persian the right to kill Jews and loot their property. The city of Shushan and the palace were in confusion over this bizarre decree.

Mordecai's Sacrificing Service

When Mordecai heard of the decree, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes as a sign of tragedy and mourning. He walked through the city crying bitterly (Esther:4:1).
Esther's servants relayed the news to her. Not yet understanding the gravity of the situation, she sent clean garments to Mordecai. He refused them. Esther then sent her servant Hathach to discover why Mordecai refused the garments. Mordecai sent details and proof of Haman's heinous plan to destroy the Jews and urged the servant to ask Esther to approach the king and plead for the lives of the Jews.
When Esther heard of Haman's plan and Mordecai's request, she was at first undecided over how she should proceed. She knew that to come before the king without a formal invitation, even though she was the queen, could mean she would be put to death (Esther:4:11). She sent word of her predicament to Mordecai.
Mordecai's advice was sobering yet filled with faith. "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther:4:13-14).
Yes, Mordecai told her, Esther would risk her life if she approached the king uninvited. But if she didn't she and her relatives would be killed in the coming slaughter, he warned. Mordecai knew God would ultimately preserve the Jewish people and pointedly asked Esther to consider whether her influence could provide the deliverance of her people from catastrophe.

A Fateful and Faithful Decision

Esther knew what she must do. First she requested that the Jews in Shushan join her in a three-day fast to humble themselves and seek God's intervention. She would then approach the king, willing to accept the consequences, "and if I perish, I perish!" (Esther 4: 16).
Still fasting, Esther dressed in her royal robes and called upon the king, unsure of her fate.
Immediately the king held out his golden scepter to her, welcoming her presence.
"What do you wish, Queen Esther?" the king asked. "What is your request? It shall be given to you—up to half my kingdom!" (Esther:5:3).
Esther answered the king wisely and humbly: "If it pleases the king, let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I have prepared for him."
The king reacted promptly: "Bring Haman quickly, that he may do as Esther has said" (Esther:5:4-5).
King Ahasuerus and Haman were obviously thrilled to attend Esther's banquet. The king again invited Esther to state her request. Her reply: "If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfill my request, then let the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said" (Esther:5:8).

A Sudden Turn

Haman was beside himself. He excitedly relayed the news of his unexpected good fortune to his wife and friends: "Besides, Queen Esther invited no one but me to come in with the king to the banquet that she prepared; and tomorrow I am again invited by her, along with the king."
Nevertheless Haman was still jealous and bitter: "Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gate" (Esther:5:12-13).
Haman's wife and his friends had an idea sure to cheer up Haman: "Let a gallows be made, fifty cubits [75 feet] high, and in the morning suggest to the king that Mordecai be hanged on it; then go merrily with the king to the banquet" (Esther:5:14).
Haman's sullen face suddenly erupted in a wide grin. He immediately ordered the gallows built.
On the night before Esther's banquet, however, the king couldn't sleep. He told one of his servants to read to him the royal chronicles.
The king's servant read aloud how Mordecai had averted the earlier plot to assassinate the king (Esther:6:1-2). Reminded of this event, the king asked his servants, "What honor or dignity has been bestowed on Mordecai for this?" The servants responded that nothing had been done (Esther:6:3). This shocked the king. This oversight could forever tarnish the king's otherwise magnificent reign.
The king asked if someone of high rank might be present in the court to help correct this oversight. Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace. His jealousy and anger toward Mordecai had moved him to approach the king late at night. Ironically, both Haman and the king had Mordecai on their minds.
The king's servants said that Haman had just entered the court. "Bring him in before me," said the king.
When Haman approached, the king asked him: "What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honor?" (Esther:6:6).
Haman couldn't believe his ears. How could things get any better for him? Now, finally, others would be forced to acknowledge his greatness.
Haman replied without hesitation: "For the man whom the king delights to honor, let a royal robe be brought which the king has worn, and a horse on which the king has ridden, which has a royal crest placed on its head. Then let this robe and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that he may array the man whom the king delights to honor. Then parade him on horseback through the city square, and proclaim before him: 'Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor!' " (Esther:6:7-9).
Ahasuerus was pleased with Haman's suggestion. He instructed him to hurry and perform what he suggested, to take the robe and the horse "and do so for Mordecai the Jew ...! Leave nothing undone of all that you have spoken" (Esther:6:10).
Haman was astonished. Yet he was so full of pride, so intent on currying favor with the king, that he did exactly as he was told.
Haman found himself forced to honor the man who would not bow to him. He told his wife and friends of this bewildering turn of events. Listening carefully, they predicted where things were headed: "If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish descent, you will not prevail against him but will surely fall before him" (Esther:6:13).
Shortly afterward, the king's eunuchs found Haman and whisked him away to Esther's banquet.

Haman's Downfall

For the second time the king and Haman dined with Queen Esther. The king repeated his magnificent offer to grant her any request, up to half of his kingdom. Finally Queen Esther presented her request: "If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it pleases the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request. For we have been sold, my people and I, to be destroyed, to be killed, and to be annihilated. Had we been sold as male and female slaves, I would have held my tongue, although the enemy could never compensate for the king's loss" (Esther:7:3-4).
The king was furious: "Who is he, and where is he, who would dare presume in his heart to do such a thing?" (Esther:7:5).
Esther turned and pointed toward Haman: "The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman!" (Esther:7:6).
Haman was mortified. How could things have gone so wrong? The king was so angry he could not speak. He stormed out into the palace garden. The desperate Haman began begging Queen Esther for his life. So distressed was he over the turn of events that he lost his equilibrium and fell across the couch on which Esther was seated.
Just then the king, his temper having cooled somewhat, reentered the banquet room only to see what appeared to be a clumsy attempt by Haman to molest his beloved wife, the queen of Persia! He roared, "Will he also assault the queen while I am in the house?" (Esther:7:8).
One of the servants exclaimed to the king: "Look! The gallows, fifty cubits high, which Haman made for Mordecai, who spoke good on the king's behalf, is standing at the house of Haman" (Esther:7:9).
"Hang him on it!" the king commanded.
Immediately the king's servants hanged Haman on his own towering gallows, and only then was the king's anger abated.
Esther informed the king that Mordecai was her cousin. Immediately the king summoned Mordecai and gave him Haman's signet ring. Queen Esther appointed Mordecai to oversee the house of Haman.

Esther's Countrymen Delivered

Even so, the potential annihilation of the Jews throughout Persia still threatened. According to Persian law, once the king had issued a decree and sealed it with his signet ring, it could not be revoked.
Esther reminded the king of Haman's deceitful plot to destroy her people; she pleaded for their lives. Although he could not revoke the earlier decree, the king allowed Esther and Mordecai to write a counterdecree that would enable the Jews to arm themselves and band together against any who would attack them.
When the fateful day arrived, the Jews overcame their enemies (Esther:9:1-11). To express their thanks to God, the Jews instituted the Feast of Purim. The name of this feast is a reminder of Haman's casting of lots ( pur means "lot") and God's deliverance of the Jews from their enemies on the day they were to be annihilated (Esther:9:17-32).
Esther, Jewish queen of gentile Persia, set a remarkable example of personal sacrifice. Although understandably at first hesitant, she willingly risked her life so others could be saved. In this respect she prefigured the sacrifice of the coming Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, who willingly gave His life so each of us could have the opportunity to receive God's gift of salvation, eternal life in His Kingdom.
Similarly, Christ expects His followers, His saints, to be willing to put their lives on the line to follow Him (John:15:13).
Speaking of His followers, God's Word describes them as having overcome Satan "by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death" (Revelation:12:11).
Like faithful Esther and Mordecai, we should have godly, loving faith built on a loving, trusting relationship with Him. To see how you can develop such a relationship with your Creator, be sure to the Bible study aid You Can Have Living Faith .