Vertical News: Too Many Friendships Can Make Us Introverted
New research analyzes the ebb and flow of friendships and happiness.

A study by Colby College in Maine has found that many friendships may make us happy, but over time they also can make us more introverted and withdrawn. Over 16,000 participants were tracked during a four year period and their personality traits recorded.
Those that started out highly social and happy, over time, became more withdrawn despite still being in the happiness category. Experts feel this suggests that when those that are extroverted reach a certain number of friendships, they stop trying to create new ones. These findings surprised the researchers; they expected increased happiness to automatically align with continued extroversion (Victoria Woollaston and Robin Yapp, “Got Loads of Friends? Then You’re Probably Unhappy: People Who Appear Popular May Actually Be Withdrawn and Sad, Claims Study,” The Daily Mail at, February 18, 2014).

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