Thursday, December 31, 2015

Armageddon The Battle That Doesn't Exist

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Armageddon is an Anglicized version of the Hebrew  har-Megiddo.   Har means hill rather than something to laugh at, and nobody will be amused at this very sad and terrifying time for humanity. Kings of the earth and their armies will “gather” in a valley called Megiddo for “the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:13-16). Historically lots of battles have been fought here. But not this time.
Precisely put, they gather here, but the battle will take place elsewhere. Where?
Megiddo is about 80 miles north of Jerusalem. The kings and their armies will mobilize down to the Kidron Valley that runs north and south between the Mount of Olives and the eastern gate of Jerusalem. This makes perfect logistical sense, since at His return, Jesus is going to stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4). And it stands to reason that He will majestically make a triumphant royal processional walk into Jerusalem—through the Lion of Judah eastern gate—that is walled up and reserved for His arrival.
My feet have stood on the Mount of Olives and walked down to the wall, which is close enough to hardly break a sweat. Of course, if Jesus chooses to just pop on over, who will stop Him?
Not the armies, which are merely like grapes clustered in the valley and destined to be stomped in the winepress of His wrath. How do they think they will even have a chance fighting the Son of God, except through strong delusion by the one who relentlessly keeps up his losing cause?
Joel 3:11-16 and Zechariah 14:12-15 warn about this earth-shaking battle. Joel says the Kidron Valley is also called the Valley of Jehoshaphat and refers to it as “the valley of decision.” Anybody who gathers in Megiddo or shows up for the Battle of Jehoshaphat in the Kidron Valley has already made the wrong decision!
For anybody fighting against Christ and His heavenly armies, it will seem like the end of the world! But actually Jesus will come to the rescue just before there would be no flesh saved alive (Matthew 24:22), and restore the earth to 1,000 years of joy, peace and prosperity.
So “the Battle of Armageddon?” “The end of the world?” The battle will be in a different place and in truth, it will be the beginning for the world.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Smoking and Health: The Often-Overlooked Key

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Smoking and Health: The Often-Overlooked Key

We all know that smoking is devastating to one's health. Would you or a loved one like to quit for good? Where can you find the extra help to kick the habit?
"I've given up on trying to quit smoking. You're wasting your words on me. I just can't do it."
We—many of us—have been there. We sympathize. And we want to help.
Wouldn't you like to quit smoking—for good? Or help someone else quit? Or help yourself or your children to never start smoking? Or just better understand a monumental problem that wreaks havoc with health, happiness, productivity and longevity?
You are about to read a perspective different from what you find in most articles on smoking, a perspective that should give you hope, an incentive and confidence.
A smoking habit is more than just a bad habit; it is a powerful chemical addiction as well as a psychological and social addiction. Tobacco contains an active ingredient—nicotine—that is a highly addictive drug.
Nicotine, in its pure form, is extremely toxic. A whole family of insecticides is made from it. Tobacco smoke also contains tars and other toxic chemicals, many of which have been proven to cause cancer. But tobacco can't be blamed for all of cigarettes' potential to damage smokers' health. Cigarette manufacturers add many chemicals to the tobacco, paper and filter for various reasons. The use of tobacco products is the single greatest avoidable cause of death in the Western world.
How dangerous is tobacco?
Some people, knowing or hearing of others who have smoked all their lives and were still going strong in their 70s or 80s, have convinced themselves that smoking isn't all that dangerous. Although it's true that some people have good genes and strong immune systems that can withstand the worst ravages of smoking, they also nonetheless will have bad breath, stained teeth and family and friends who don't like to visit much—not to mention seeing thousands of dollars go up in smoke.
But here is what is usually overlooked: Cases of smokers who live to a ripe old age are rare, and will likely become even more so. In the industrialized nations, the amount and variety of chemicals in the environment are proliferating exponentially. Each chemical that enters one's body places an additional strain on the body's ability to cleanse itself, function properly, heal and stay well. And, when two or more chemicals synthesize, they combine to form a new chemical that may be even more deadly.
Also, when two or more chemicals interact, they can create new deleterious effects that none of the chemicals would cause independently. Most people's bodies are under a severe strain from the chemicals they eat, drink, breathe and absorb through the skin, as well as other health problems. Using tobacco adds one of the most enormous burdens of all. Smoking is a highly risky behavior.
Nicotine addiction
Many tobacco addicts say smoking helps calm their nerves. What they may not realize is that this tranquilizing effect is the result of becoming addicted to nicotine. When a little time has passed since the last cigarette, the nervousness results from the start of withdrawal symptoms—the "nicotine fit." The body is simply craving another dose of nicotine, for which smoking another cigarette provides the "fix." However, after a person has been a nonsmoker for a few weeks, he is less nervous overall than when he was smoking.
Is there any way to avoid withdrawal symptoms? Modern medicine has made it much easier. When a person tapers off of cigarettes or has already stopped smoking, his symptoms of nervousness, anxiety and irritability can be greatly lessened with medications.
One type is nicotine-replacement therapies (NRT), including nicotine patches, gums, nasal sprays and inhalers. Another type is bupropion, marketed under the brand names Zyban and Wellbutrin. Both types usually can be used at the same time. Consult with your doctor about medications.
Taking the first steps
You probably already know smoking is bad for you. So why read more about it? Good question. One is much more likely to kick the habit if he understands why and how it is bad and how to effectively overcome it. Many sources of antismoking information are interesting, practical and valuable.
Reading isn't the only way to learn. Readily accessible are audiocassette recordings, videotapes, professional counselors and support groups. Most people who want to lose an addiction do better with support from others, including former smokers. Like an ad for a center offering help to those with a drinking problem says: "If you don't get help from us, please get help somewhere."
Perhaps the greatest value in educating yourself about the dangers of tobacco is that such education is motivational. A fresh reading of available materials brings you face to face with reality and your own mortality. We need to respect healthy fears that prod us to avoid and flee danger. Becoming more conscious of the need to forsake smoking strengthens the desire and commitment to do it. A smoker needs will, not just a wish.
You might compare a stop-smoking plan to baking a cake. The cake needs all the necessary ingredients, not just a huge amount of one or two ingredients. This article isn't an attempt to offer all the ingredients, although many will be touched on. Practical advice and other information concerning smoking are available in abundance on the Internet and in print, much of it free of charge. The point is that an effective stop-smoking plan needs to include all the ingredients—that is, implementing valuable tips, tools, techniques and approaches at the same time.
The all-important missing ingredient
Several ingredients may be missing in your stop-smoking plan, but one component is usually always missing, and it is the most important of all. Though many smokers may quit their habit without this ingredient, success is more likely with it.
The all-important ingredient is the spiritual dimension . Often people seeking spirituality or religion may look for guidance and power in the wrong directions. More specifically, the right direction—the necessary ingredient—is learning God's astounding purpose for mankind, seeking to conform to His ways and seeking His powerful help to liberate us from any addiction. The Creator of the human body and mind understands His creations perfectly. He knows how best to care for and repair them. He hasn't left us in the dark. The Bible is His Word, inspired and preserved by Him to serve as our instruction book for life.
Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry, regularly demonstrated His love, mercy and concern for others by healing the sick. He taught that God always wants to help us, but we must first ask for help. "Ask, and it will be given to you," He says (Matthew 7:7). Although stopping smoking may seem impossible, He tells us that "the things which are impossible with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27). Are you a slave to an addiction? Jesus said, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).
Sadly, many people think that about all religion has done for them is to make them feel guilty and condemned. Smokers usually already carry a burden of guilt, and they don't want more piled on. But God's purpose for His Church is to be a source of great encouragement and help, like a mother to her children. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). The Church of God (Acts 20:28) is not like an honorary society of overachievers but more like a spiritual hospital for people who see their need for encouragement and healing. We are broken in different ways, and we need the Great Physician, Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:12).
This doesn't mean God is satisfied for us to remain the same—to remain sick or continue living contrary to His instructions. We must seek to be made whole and actively strive to live the way He wants us to. God calls to be His disciples people who have all kinds of problems, including addictions—but, just as the original 12 apostles kept changing and growing, we must go forward. We cannot remain where we are. Inevitably, if we do not grow spiritually we will slip backwards.
We have no good excuse for staying in a rut. If we commit ourselves to pleasing God, He is committed to empowering us. If we set right goals, put forth an all-out effort and ask for God's help, He will give it (Matthew 7:11).
Scriptural principles against tobacco use
Smoking and tobacco use aren't mentioned in the Bible for the simple reason that both were unknown in biblical lands until explorers brought them back from North America, where the indigenous natives had long smoked tobacco. So can we be sure that God disapproves of smoking?
Absolutely. God objects to smoking just as He disapproves of any abuse or neglect of our bodies. Let's look at the biblical evidence.
God inspired the apostle John to write, "My dear friend, I pray that everything may go well with you and that you may be in good health—as I know you are well in spirit" (3 John 2, Today's English Version). God wants us to enjoy good health. Many of His laws recorded in the Old Testament are safeguards to health, with instructions covering safety, sanitation, hygiene, food, moderation, rest, negative attitudes, anxiety and more.
These laws reflect the validity of the old maxim "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It's clear that God is concerned about our health and wants us to be concerned too. In fact, He commands us to take care of ourselves. Tobacco purveyors want you to smoke because they make money from your habit. But God cares about you.
Being health-conscious is not necessarily self-centered. A healthy person can do more for others and for God (compare John 15:16). That's the way God wants us to look at the pursuit of wellness.
Our bodies and minds belong to God
In fact, we should not live as if we have the option to neglect our health. God has jurisdiction over what He has created. What He created He owns. He's the boss, and He wants His workers to be healthy. He commands us, in a sense: Stay healthy!
This ownership concept is expressed in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "... Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ..., and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit [your mind and attitude], which are God's."
The awesome purpose of our lives is to receive God's Spirit to transform our mind and nature and make them like His. We can see that we doubly belong to God. He not only created us, He paid for us with the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus Christ's sacrifice paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. Taking excellent care of our lives, for which Christ paid the dearest price, is one way to express our gratitude to God.
It's accurate to say that our Creator has entrusted the care of our bodies and minds to us. This illustrates the concept of stewardship, which means we are to care for and properly manage what belongs to God. Jesus related several parables illustrating that God holds each of us accountable to be a "faithful and wise steward" over our lives and opportunities (Luke 12:42). So, in principle, the Bible shows the smoking habit to be something contrary to our own best interests.
Throughout 1 Corinthians 6 we can see the physical and spiritual intertwined. Hence it is not surprising that the Bible emphasizes both physical and spiritual cleanliness. Many biblical laws concern cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene. Smoking clearly is a dirty habit. Most nonsmokers deplore the smell of stale tobacco smoke, the dirty ashtrays, smutty walls, stained teeth and yellowed fingers. Worse than that, think of the lining of lungs that have turned black.
Thanks to God's amazing design of the body, lungs often can, over time, return to a healthy pink after a smoker has quit lighting up. Our desire to be spiritually and physically clean in God's sight should add to our resolve not to smoke.
The Ten Commandments show us how to love God and each other. "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments," says 1 John 5:3. The Sixth Commandment says, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13) —and that includes ourselves as well as anyone else. By smoking we are, little by little, poisoning ourselves and perhaps others who also breathe our smoke.
God also says, "You shall not covet" (verse 17). Is the craving to smoke a violation of this commandment? The answer is not simple. "Covet" primarily means to desire. While the Tenth Commandment forbids coveting anything that belongs to someone else, other references to coveting in the Bible amplify the meaning of this commandment to include any lust for what is evil or wrong (see Romans 7:7-8; James 1:14-15; 4:1-2; Ephesians 2:3).
So what about smoking? God disallows self-destructive uses of anything. If, once we understand this, we continue to crave this "forbidden fruit," we are coveting.
The problem with coveting is that it is selfish and self-centered desire, the way of getting. God's love is outgoing in concern for others, the way of giving. If you're tempted to pollute the air that your neighbors must breathe, notice this: "Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (Romans 13:10).
Furthermore, in Ephesians 5:5 and Colossians 3:5, Paul equates covetousness with idolatry. This means that if something we desire is wrong to have according to God, it is not only coveting but also idolatry to continue pursuing that desire—letting it take priority over God's will.
Submitting to a wrong desire rather than submitting to God's will is a form of idolatry. Rather than God ruling over us, the thing lusted for is ruling over us. For instance, God describes gluttons as those "whose god is their belly" (Philippians 3:19). Hence, covetousness becomes idolatry. However, it is usually not the smoker's intent to place cigarettes before God in importance. Addiction is a powerful force. But one must face the reality that the obsession to smoke has become stronger than any desire to obey and please God.
Every form of addiction must be broken. Jesus said, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve" (Matthew 4:10). Yet Paul explained, "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves to whom you obey ...?" (Romans 6:16).
If you have a smoking addiction, you have allowed yourself to become enslaved to tobacco—and God says you must break free. Of course, He is loving, patient and understanding—as His people are to be. Virtually everyone realizes that quitting can be difficult and rarely will happen overnight. But you must at least genuinely try to quit—and God is there to help you. Don't let the guilt of your past failure carry you farther away from God. Rather, "draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8). Remember that He wants you to succeed.
Conflicting desires
Think of it this way. We human beings commonly have two or more conflicting desires on almost any subject. Many smokers will say, year after year, "Oh, I want to quit this nasty habit!" Undoubtedly they do want to quit, but what they need to realize is that they also want to smoke.
If you are a smoker, your actions show which is your stronger desire. As long as your desire to smoke is stronger than your desire to quit, you will continue to smoke. When the desire to quit smoking continues to weigh more heavily and the balance scale tips, you will quit. That's why the issue of motivation is so fundamentally important. There is no shortage of information, tools and techniques that are helpful to break the tobacco habit. Usually the main lack is a strong enough motivation to bring the practice to a screeching halt!
Don't kid yourself that you already have plenty of motivation. If you did, you already would have stopped smoking. So what can you do to increase your motivation, confidence and determination to quit?
Let's start with your desire to smoke. Once you decide to quit smoking, you must find a way to stop constantly wanting to smoke, thinking about how much better you would feel if only you had a cigarette or cigar or pipe.
You must decide to keep your mind occupied with things that demand your full attention and force yourself not to give in. You must block the desire for nicotine from your thinking and quit entertaining your mind with fantasies of smoking. If you don't discipline your thoughts, you are almost certain to give in to your old desires and return to your old habits.
How you fight the battle in your mind is crucial. You may have to fight this battle for several months before you permanently win the war. But simply refuse to permit your mind to dwell on how good another smoke would be. Be determined to win.
Choose activities that require your full concentration . Put your heart into purposefully and consciously rejecting pulls on your mind that would break your concentration and turn your thinking again to relishing and savoring what you have chosen to give up.
In the end the battle will be won or lost in your mind. If you lose a skirmish, immediately get back into the fight. Don't give up. Don't lose the war. And never forget to ask God—over and over, again and again—for the strength and help you need to continue fighting until you do win.
Now let's consider how to bolster your motivation and determination to win this battle—in partnership with God.
Get the facts, and get them straight
Read, read, read about the diseases and other bad effects that result from smoking, about the benefits of a smoke-free life, about the many helpful tools and techniques you can use in your stop-smoking plan. Think deeply about what you have read, about the harm you are doing to yourself and those around you, about your wonderful future after quitting.
The following points are what gave this writer the motivation to quit smoking (see "My Experience With Smoking" on page 19).
Many have found that reading the Bible daily and then meditating on it—especially its principles of Christian living—can be highly beneficial. Think about how much your worry and guilt over smoking have pulled you away from God and how you should long to please and serve Him more effectively. Seek to build a habit of praying daily and earnestly, asking God to forgive, bless, guide and help you clean up your life in every way—and, in particular, to enable you to free yourself of a debilitating habit and addiction.
If you don't smoke, please don't start! If you do smoke, seek God's help to guide and help you in your goal to stop smoking. Make your plans, gather the tools and techniques you want to use, set a date, and commit yourself to kicking the habit for good. After quitting, if you relapse just recommit yourself with renewed determination. Keep trying. To reach this important goal, be willing to suffer a little for Christ's sake—He suffered a lot for you.
You will realize a wonderful blessing when you regain your sense of taste and smell, when your breath doesn't stink, when you're not short of breath and when you no longer see your hard-earned money go up in smoke. You'll have a clear conscience and be a much happier person. And God will be pleased. 

(This article was first published in the November/December 2002 issue of The Good News.)

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Andrew Luck Book Club

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Video of BT Daily: The Andrew Luck Book Club

Take a break from sports and consider picking up a good book.


[Darris McNeely] Today’s Daily is an addition to the “Redeeming the Time” series that we might be doing here on the Dailys . I was reading in a Wall Street Journal this morning that the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, Mr. Andrew Luck, is as adept at handing off books as he is footballs to his teammates. The headline of the article called it the “Andrew Luck Book Club”.
Andrew Luck is a voracious reader and he’s in the habit of recommending books to his teammates in the locker room when they may be going through a challenging time, perhaps with an injury, or something else in their life. He may have read something about that in a book; he’ll hand the book to them. I thought, wow. What an interesting guy. Type of guy that for me, I’d kind of like to hang out on the weekend with. We’re really in the swing of football season here in the United States  – American football, that is. And here’s the question, or here’s perhaps a challenge to us all. We all have our favorite teams, favorite players, and we’re going to follow those. But perhaps we could dial back just a little bit on the amount of time we spend watching football and take a hint from Andrew Luck. Join his book club. Pull out a book. Better yet, put it on mute maybe, and just watch some of the highlights and delve into a book and broaden our understanding, our focus, and our belief in whatever field, whatever topic that we might want to get into.
This weekend, join the Andrew Luck Book Club. Pull up a book in between watching the football.
That’s BT Daily . Join us next time.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Strange Tale of Simon the Magician

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The Strange Tale of Simon the Magician

Video of Beyond Today -- The Strange Tale of Simon the Magician

This obscure individual may have had a profound impact on what you think is true, biblical Christianity.


[Gary] Simon the Magician. Have you ever heard of him? Well this obscure historical person may have had a profound impact on what you think is biblical Christianity. Simon came from the Middle East, but his religious cult would spread over a wide area creating a conspiracy that perverted the teachings of Jesus. His megalomania drove him to claim that he was god. His followers met in secret conclaves practicing strange rituals for centuries after his death.
Sometimes it is difficult to separate historical fact from fable. Well in this case, the truth is stranger than fiction. Today, we’re going to explore how an ancient cult influenced modern Christianity - maybe even your Christianity.
Join us in exploring, "The Strange Tale of Simon the Magician."
[Announcer] Join our host, Gary Petty and his guests, as they help you understand your future on Beyond Today !
[Gary] Years ago, I had a long conversation with a prominent member of a mainstream Christian church. He claimed that Jesus freed him from having to obey any biblical law. He explained that as long as he loved in the spirit, physical actions - well, they didn’t even matter.
So I countered his argument by saying that God’s law says, "Don’t commit murder." (Exodus 20:13) And asked him, "Do you think a Christian can break this law, commit murder, and this is acceptable to God?"
His reply really surprised me. He said, "Well you know, many husbands and wives love each other, but in a fit of rage murder their spouse." He believed that God didn’t judge a Christian who committed murder in such cases, because God knew that in the killer’s heart he really loved the murdered spouse.
Now before you say that this man’s beliefs are ridiculous and non-Christian, are you sure you don’t have some beliefs that are different than what Jesus taught?
I really want to challenge you with the next question: Has your church actually been influenced by an ancient pagan cult?
Today, we’re going to answer this question by looking at the life and times of a man who is mentioned in the biblical book of Acts - a man who left his mark on a counterfeit Christianity - maybe even your Christianity.
Jesus' disciples were busy spreading the gospel. A Christian leader named Philip traveled to Samaria, an area that’s not far from Jerusalem, and many people began to respond to his message. The Samaritans were outcasts from Jewish society. They mingled biblical teachings with paganism to create a unique, sort of paganized Judaism.
Well there, Philip came in contact with a religious leader known as Simon the Magician. Simon had a large following among the Samaritans because he performed "miracles" though demonic power.
Many of Simon’s followers believed Philip’s message about Jesus as the prophesied Messiah. They even began to be baptized (Acts 8:12-13). And then, Simon himself professed to be a Christian and he too was baptized.
Upon hearing of this interest in Jesus as the Christ, the apostles Peter and John traveled to Samaria to instruct the new converts and to lay hands upon them so that they would receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17-19). Now, when Simon saw that God’s Spirit was given to people, he offered the apostles money if they would give him this power.
This is where we get the English word simony , which means the selling and buying of religious offices.
Now let’s take a minute, and really look at this biblical story, and then explore how this practically unknown person may have influenced your religious views.
Simon was a very religious man who was attracted to the belief that Jesus was the Messiah. Now remember, he was publicly baptized as a Christian. Now when he saw that authentic Christianity also involved receiving the Spirit of God, he wanted that power.
Simon recognized a core issue in his life that we all share. He understood that he was somehow incomplete. Now before, he had been practicing pagan rites that tapped into demonic powers, but he couldn’t begin to experience the real power of the Almighty God. The biblical account doesn’t say that Simon wanted to give up his pagan religion or even change his way of life. What he wanted was power (Acts 8:19). He didn’t want to submit to God, he wanted to become his own god. And remember, that is exactly what he did in his life.
The apostles rejected Simon as a man of - they called him a man of bitterness (Acts 8:23). The "Magician" disappeared from the biblical account. Now this doesn’t mean that Simon vanished. He would continue to lead his religious cult, adding elements of the teachings of Jesus to his pagan-Jewish mixture. Simon and his cult would be part of a movement to create a paganized Christianity that in many ways had little to do with the real Jesus.
For hundreds of years after Simon’s death, his cult appears in historical records. You know, he even occasionally pops up in modern culture. Some of you may even remember, Jack Palance played a somewhat theatrical Simon in the 1954 movie, The Silver Chalice .
> Did you hear the crowd when I came in? "Hail Simon!" they shouted. They sensed the moment of my greatness and are ready to accept me.
>> Fly Simon!
> I am god!
>> Fly in the name of Caesar into His everlasting glory.
[Gary] At the heart of Simon’s heresy was the belief that he could receive power from God without changing his ways to please God. The Simonian cult was part of a religious movement known as gnosticism. Now, one of the main tenets of this movement is that biblical laws and morality are all made invalid by a new enlightened freedom. For gnostics, true religion is found in the power of secret knowledge. With this secret knowledge you discover the truth - -now listen, but it is a truth that comes from within.
If this sounds a little bit familiar it is because it is a main tenet of the New Age movement. But just like the Christians in the first century, many Christians today hear the same message that it is possible to receive the power of God without submitting to God. In the New Testament, when they confronted this wrong teaching, it was called lawlessness.
Now "law" is one of those words that cause many Christians to sort of cringe. I mean, maybe you’ve heard that obedience to law is anti-grace. It’s anti-love. The truth is, you will never really experience the love of God until you know how God defines love.
The foundation of the teachings of Jesus is love. But have you ever asked yourself: What did Jesus mean by love? Was He speaking of a sort of indefinable emotion? And that’s how a lot of people see love when we talk about the Bible or about Jesus - sort of this indefinable emotion, this feeling.
Well you know, a man came to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" (Matthew 22:25-36)
Now, Jesus had the perfect opportunity to claim, now listen, love erases all of God’s laws. Instead, He responded, " 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38)
Now, did Jesus simply make up this foundational principle of life?
Well, no. It is a quote from the Old Testament book of the law, known as Deuteronomy. You see, to love God is total, unreserved trust, surrender and obedience. And Jesus said this is the first of all the laws.
Now in answer to the man who asked about the law, Jesus went on to say, "And the second" - or second law - "is like it: [and] 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 22:39-40).
Now once again, Jesus quotes from the Old Testament. Notice, He doesn’t say that to love your neighbor is an indefinable feeling. He says that loving neighbor is behaving towards others as you would want them to treat you. And this, these two commandments, this is the core of authentic Christianity - and they are laws.
Now, it is absolutely true that no one can receive salvation through any law - I mean even God’s law. The purpose of law is to define good and bad behavior. We are all saved - and this is important to understand - we are all saved by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, the lawless teachings of Simon, which crept into early Christianity, continues to this day to cheapen the grace of God.
Do you want to experience the real grace of God? Well if you do, one important step is to get your free study guide: The Church Jesus Built . If you want to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ then you must know what He taught. His people, His Church , must reject the teachings of the great conspiracy started by false teachers like Simon the Magician.
If you are serious about being a disciple of Jesus Christ then you must read, The Church Jesus Built . You can read it online at or get a free copy sent to your mailbox by calling: 1-888-886-8632. Remember that. You can write it down: 1-888-886-8632. Or, you can write to us with your request to the address that’s on the screen right now. So, please contact us (Beyond Today, PO Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254).
Magician, Simon the Magician, lawlessness… this may seem rather meaningless to you. Now as a Christian, you are under grace and love which are anti-law. Is that what you think? Think about that. The law of God was done away when Jesus came, right? Is this what you hear from your pulpit?
If it is, I want you to listen very carefully to what I am about to read from the New Testament. The apostle Paul prophesied about a man who will deceive the entire world before the second coming of Jesus Christ. He described this man this way: "...for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
Paul then writes - now listen, "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work…" (2 Thessalonians 2:7).
The lawless approach to God, as taught by Simon, will be prevalent at the return of Jesus Christ. Now notice, Paul wrote that it was already present in his day.
Are you guilty of substituting cheap grace for the real love towards God and neighbor taught by Jesus Christ?
Do you know that this false idea may be actually in your church, even though it claims to be Christian? I mean, does your church teach that the law of God was nailed to the cross? Or that love in your heart means that you don’t have to obey God? Or, do you believe a gospel based on the belief that all truth must come from within - just trust your heart?
Well, are Simon’s teachings in your church?
Most likely, in one way or another, yes! Go ask your pastor about these things. Check out your beliefs against the Bible!
These ideas, prevalent in the New Age movement and far too many Christian pulpits, are not based in the teachings of Jesus, but a false interpretation of the Bible that can be traced back to an obscure pagan cult from the time of the earliest Christians.
Why would God inspire this story of Simon to appear in the Bible? It’s a very short story. What are we to learn from a pagan who tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit? The story of Simon the Magician is in Scripture to help us - you and I - it’s to help us avoid those exact same pitfalls.
Simon wanted to be like God. He wanted to satisfy that spiritual hunger that we all experience. He wanted to be respected as a spiritual leader. But he wanted all this without a willingness to love God or submit to God.
Simon disappeared from the biblical narrative after Acts 8, but he continued to lead a religious movement that mixed elements of paganism, Judaism and Christianity. His cult would exist for hundreds of years and have an effect on the formation of mainstream Christianity.
So we’ve seen that at the heart of the Simonian cult, and the larger movement known as gnosticism, was a belief that biblical laws and morality are to be rejected by the enlightened mind, discovering truth through secret knowledge. Now this concept, it’s what the New Testament writers call lawlessness.
So it’s very important that we take right now some time, to look at what Jesus said about lawlessness. And we’re going to look in the Sermon on the Mount:
Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
"Many will say to Me in that day," - Now what He means here is when He returns. When Jesus Christ returns to gather His elect, to gather His people, He says many will come to Him and say, " 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'" - the name of Jesus Christ - "And then [Jesus declares] to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matthew 7:21-23).
Let’s take a second to allow those words to really sink in.
Jesus said that when He returns there will be people who claim to be His followers whom He will reject. That’s right! Jesus Christ is going to reject some people who do great works in His name. Why? Because they practice lawlessness. The old Simonian lie will be alive and believed by people claiming to be followers of Jesus at the time of His return. Don’t get caught up in it yourself!
Remember, even Simon claimed to be a Christian and he was baptized. Now have you ever heard this message that I just said taught as part of the gospel brought by Jesus? It’s in the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7 - look it up. Because it’s a frightening statement. Are you in danger of being rejected by Jesus Christ when He returns? You know, Christ doesn’t want to reject anyone, but He - remember in His own words - He said He will not accept lawlessness.
We read earlier that Jesus taught that all of the teachings of the Old Testament are based in two great laws from the Old Testament: love God and love neighbor.
Love is the basis of God’s law. Now, the law of God defines good behavior and bad behavior. It defines love! The Ten Commandments aren’t anti-love or anti-grace. They define the most basic behaviors of love. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not murder.
Now this doesn’t mean that Christianity is simply a matter of ritualistically keeping a set of rules. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus expanded the meaning of the word love beyond the simple letter of the law. He said that the law says, "do not murder." And then He told His followers to obey the law by learning not to hate. You see, hatred is the root cause of murder.
So let’s go back to the man who argued that the law against murder was erased by Jesus, and how a Christian could commit murder, but not be judged by God as long as he somehow had "love" in his heart.
Well, this is nothing more than the old lie of lawlessness taught by Simon. It is impossible to hack a person to death, or gun them down, while you’re loving that person in your heart while you’re in some fit of rage.
Simon the Magician, and other gnostic leaders, may have influenced your Christianity more than you know. You know, it is time - now, to return to the true teachings of Jesus Christ - His love, His laws, His morality, His doctrines, His prophesies, His teachings about the Father. It’s time to discover the real power of God’s Spirit - right now, in your life. Go dust off your Bibles and read the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Even in Simon’s death, his whole life is just shrouded in myth. One story claimed that in order to prove his divinity, he was buried alive so he could be resurrected after three days and nights. Where did he get that from? Well, according to the account, he’s still buried there today.
The Acts of Peter , written toward the end of the second century, claimed that Simon deceived many by flying around like a giant bird until Peter called upon God and Simon fell to the ground and broke his leg. Following an operation he died. His life, his teachings, his death - just a bizarre mixture of insanity and myth.
Now, we’re going to discuss how the lawlessness of Simon the Magician is still prevalent in Christianity today with our Beyond Today panel, but first let me tell you about today’s free offers that can help you discover authentic Christianity as taught in the pages of your Bible.
The Church Jesus Built is a detailed study guide that explains what the Bible means by Church and God’s purpose for the creating a Church . There is an entire chapter explaining the origins of the conspiracy leading to this counterfeit Christianity .
Now if you desire to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, then you need to order your free copy of: The Church Jesus Built . Go online to download a free copy at BeyondToday.t v or call: 1-888-886-8632.
And when you do, we will also send you a free subscription to The Good News magazine . This bi-monthly magazine will help you live a happier, more productive life - all the while preparing you for eternal life in God’s family - in His Kingdom. You’ll receive helpful articles on family life, doctrine, prophecy and analysis of today’s confusing world news. Call us today for both of these free offers, or write to us at the address on your screen (Beyond Today, PO Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254).
We’ve been discussing the conspiracy of Simon the Magician and the effects his cult had on early Christianity. Many people are surprised that many of the teachings he had then, still exist today and still affect Christianity today. Well to further expose this conspiracy, we are joined by fellow Beyond Today hosts, Darris McNeely and Steve Myers.
People would be surprised that there’s still lessons we need to learn about the life of this obscure person of Simon in Acts 8.
[Steve] It’s an amazing story. When you consider right at the very beginning of Christianity, right when the New Testament Church was beginning to take off, here is this conspiracy against it that Simon is at the heart of, and immediately it takes a hard left turn away from the truth. And I think many don’t realize that that was right at the very beginning, and so then what became mainstream Christianity really was off track right from the start.
[Darris] It’s interesting that God inspired Luke to record this one story just once and nothing else is mentioned about this man in the entire New Testament. When you look at the story, and you see that he wanted to buy the Holy Spirit because he saw that it was by the laying on of hands that people received the gift of the Holy Spirit, you have there a perfect example of people, of an idea, a religion that wants to take a shortcut toward the most important matter - that really all religion has tried to do but only the Bible shows us how. And that is to have the power of God within us.
That is what the Holy Spirit is - God’s power within us, Christ living His life within us. And that’s what Simon tried to buy. And I think that that is one of the great lessons - not only shows the positive way by which God gives His Spirit but that you can’t buy that. There’s nothing cheap about that. There’s no shortcut to that. You must follow what God lays down in His Scripture. God gives His Spirit, it says, to those who obey Him. And there’s no shortcut to obedience.
[Gary] Well it’s amazing when you think about, if you read about the Simonian cult and what Simon did the rest of his life. He declared himself to be a God.
[Darris] Yes.
[Gary] He couldn’t receive the power from God so he declared himself to be a god. And the result is, is he created the strangest - even by Roman standards - it was a strange cult and strange beliefs, but he had been baptized a Christian. So he claimed to have a Christian, be a Christian and his cult was Christian, and of course it wasn’t.
[Steve] Yeah, and some of those subtleties I think that we miss if we don’t really notice what was going on. Darris mentioned about the Holy Spirit given through the laying on of hands. I had a circumstance come up a while back where a friend of mine was baptized - which was a very good thing. And I said, that’s great! And I asked him, did you have hands laid on you? Because that’s the example that’s given there. And, was dead silence, because he hadn’t.
And I wonder how many Christians today follow what’s actually written or have they been skewed in what they believe thinking that there’s shortcuts to getting where the Bible teaches the facts, the truth, and yet their practice is something totally different. I think it is important to think about that.
[Gary] Because in that story, when you think about that story, Simon was baptized. But none of the people who were baptized received the Spirit until the apostles came and laid hands on them. So it shows that those two things are connected together, and unfortunately a lot of people today do not even believe in baptism. They are even too, that far from what the Scripture says.
What are some of the lessons we can learn or what are some of the teachings of Simon, you just mentioned one, that we still find that are existed today? We talked about lawlessness a little bit...
[Steve] There are so many plain statements in the Bible that contradict the teachings of Simon. If you look at 1 John 5:3, it says very plainly that love is keeping the commandments. This is the love of God, it says, keeping His commandments. So you can’t separate the love of God which many would say yes, I love God - but you need to keep His commandments! And in fact, it goes on to say those commandments are not burdensome. And so, commandment-keepers are Christians and Christians have to keep the commandments if they truly love God.
[Gary] Now, I am going to say something here that may seem very, very strange. We want you to order our free study guide, The Church Jesus Built , but while you are waiting for it to come, we want you - before you even read this - pick up your Bible and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And pray, and ask God to open your mind to His Word, and then we can help you sort through it.
When you order, The Church Jesus Built , we will also send you a free subscription to The Good News magazine. This will help you discover the authentic Christianity taught by Jesus Christ. Call: 1-888-886-8632, or go online to download a free copy at .
Nearly 300 years after Peter confronted Simon, a Catholic bishop named, Eusebius lamented that the Simonian cult still existed. Now he wrote,
"It is an astonishing fact that this is still the practice of those who to the present day belong to his (this) disgusting sect. Following in.... [Simon’s] footsteps they slip into the church like a pestilential and scabby disease, and do the utmost damage to all whom they succeed in smearing with the horrible, deadly poison concealed on them" ( The History of the Church by Eusebius.)
Simon’s greatest heresies were infecting Christianity hundreds of years after he is mentioned in the book of Acts. This is one of the reasons God inspired Luke to record these events. Remember, Christians will be combating the "mystery of lawlessness" until the return of Jesus Christ. And what this means, if you are serious about Christianity, it is time to remove all vestiges of Simon the Magician from your beliefs and become a living stone in the Church Jesus is building.
Join us next week on Beyond Today as we continue to discover the gospel of the Kingdom. We also invite you to join us in praying, "Thy Kingdom come." For Beyond Today , I’m Gary Petty. Thanks for watching.
[Announcer] For the free literature offered on today’s program, go online to . Please join us again next week on Beyond Today !

Friday, December 18, 2015

Abortion and Planned Parenthood A Cause for Righteous Anger

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Why should abortion—and the merchandising of the body parts of murdered babies—fill us with godly, righteous anger?
Every day I read at least some news, so I spend my fair share of time feeling sad or shocked or simply perplexed at the things seemingly regular people do to other seemingly regular people. Thankfully, information saturation hasn’t numbed me to human suffering, and I can still get shocked and upset by what I see. I really wish there was enough good news to offset the bad, and I really wish I could walk away from a news report feeling happy and hopeful for everyone whose stories I read and hear about. It doesn’t happen very often.\
Godly, righteous anger is about justice , not revenge.
Every now and again I read a story that goes beyond the everyday shock and awe at the darker sides of human nature. You probably had the same reaction when you read about it or watched the videos that were shared around. I’m talking about the revelation that representatives of Planned Parenthood, the United States’ largest abortion provider, were caught on video bartering over body parts from aborted children.
Sure, I was shocked. I felt stunned and sad. But I felt another emotion as well—something deeper and rawer than sadness or shock. I was  angry.
Was it right for me to be angry? Should you be angry about abortion? Is it possible to be angry in a godly way? I’ll come back to America’s abortion crisis, but first let’s lay some groundwork on the complex concept of righteous, godly anger.

God’s anger is righteous

We don’t often think of anger as a Christian emotion—and for the most part, that’s probably a good thing. Christians are to be defined by their relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. They are measured by the character of Jesus Himself. And He perfectly modeled self-control, patience and mercy. But He was also capable of anger when the situation called for it.
All four Gospels record Jesus’ anger at the moneychangers in the temple for profaning God’s holy house. Maybe when you think about our Savior shouting, flipping over tables and using a makeshift whip to drive animals out of the temple it makes you uncomfortable. Maybe you have a difficult time reconciling this very real image of Jesus with other very real images of Jesus defending the weak, healing the sick and taking up the cause of the poor.
If we honestly and humbly read the Bible, though, we’ll see that this instance of Jesus’ life is 100 percent, entirely consistent with His righteous character as it’s displayed throughout the Bible. The author of Hebrews gives us an essential truth about Jesus: He is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). That means the same godly character that produced anger at the temple moneychangers also produces great mercy every day. The same godly character that commands care for widows and orphans commands justice and judgment on those who reject God’s way.
Psalms 7:12 tells us, “God is angry with the wicked every day.” It should come as no surprise then that God is very angry at the senseless killing of helpless children. We shouldn’t be shocked that God is angry that people are profiting from the killing of His precious children. We also shouldn’t be afraid to feel some of that anger ourselves and to “sigh and cry” over the evil actions we see (Ezekiel 9:4).
When we read about callous violence and injustice, it’s right to be angry. We need to tread carefully however. Anger is a powerful and potentially very destructive emotion that, in the wrong context, wrong frame of mind and wrong spirit, can wreck our spiritual lives and cause us to hurt others.

Is your anger righteous?

Christianity is all about becoming more and more like God as Jesus modeled His righteous character for us to follow. It’s important that we keep close tabs on our thoughts and actions to make sure that we’re following His lead and not the pulls of the flesh and allowing human nature to dictate our responses. That’s why we need to constantly examine ourselves to make sure we’re staying on the “straight and narrow.” How do we know if we’re right or wrong in being angry at something?
Many scriptures show us there’s a vast gulf separating righteous and unrighteous anger. In the very beginning of mankind’s history, Cain’s anger drove him to murder his own brother (Genesis 4:8). Unfettered anger—or misdirected anger—can lead us to great sin. God Himself tells us that it is good to be angry as long as we don’t sin through misdirected, unrestrained anger (Ephesians 4:26).
So what is godly anger? One condition of righteous anger is that it should be directed toward sin. Just as Jesus was furious at the profaning of His Father’s house, we should hate sin and the negative consequences it brings on people—especially the innocent or helpless.
Proverbs 6 lists seven things that God actively hates. The common denominator is sin and its effects on people: “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19).
A second aspect of godly anger is that it isn’t quickly or easily kindled. God’s anger at sin isn’t explosive. He’s not a “walking time bomb” like some people are.
No one likes to be around other people who have a reputation for their quick tempers. Sometimes people with explosive anger can be very dangerous. God Himself testifies to His slow temper: “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth” (Exodus 34:6).
If we want to cultivate only righteous anger, we need to follow His lead, being “slow to wrath” (James 1:19). In fact, this quality of God is one of the fruits of His Holy Spirit that develops in us as we grow close to God and He begins producing His character within us. Paul wrote that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23, emphasis added). Notice here self-control —another essential trait of those who don’t sin in anger.
A third factor in godly, righteous anger is that it’s about justice, not revenge. Do we get angry at people and hope for the time when they “get theirs”? If I’m being honest, I have to admit that sometimes my anger over horrific events like the mass slaughter of infants gets me going down this path.
But that human desire for punishment isn’t even remotely related to God’s promise of true justice for the innocent and the guilty. Paul tells us that we should “give place to wrath, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19). Wait for God’s time of judgment and justice.
God will ultimately deal with evildoers. And it helps to always keep in mind what God is well aware of—that people are misled in their thinking and actions by a powerful malevolent spirit—Satan the devil (see 1 John 5:19 and “An Evil Spirit World: Where Did It Come From? ”).

Why be angry about abortion?

Back to the Planned Parenthood controversy: Why should abortion—and the merchandising of the body parts of murdered babies—fill us with godly, righteous anger?
Consider that our society—our culture—is murdering, wholesale, the most precious and helpless among us. Psalm 127 tells us that children are a gift from God. They are precious to Him and should be to us. They’re not a burden, not a negative consequence, and certainly not a “parasite” in the womb as some characterize the unborn.
To say that we can choose to, at any point in a nine-month window of time, kill the next generation of the human family—all potential members of the divine family of God—is a great evil and a curse. We should be furious at the very notion.
Let’s be honest: Almost all abortions, by some estimates more than 99 percent, are performed for the reason of convenience.  The baby was conceived at an “inconvenient time” for the parents. No one has yet explained why a child can be given the death penalty because of the circumstances of their conception.
A fairly conservative estimate—based on numbers collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—puts the number of legal abortions performed in the United States since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 at approximately 51 million. That’s 51 million lives cut short, 51 million untold stories, immeasurable potential thrown away and sacrificed to the false god of convenience and personal choice. Does that make you angry? It should.

Godly anger should lead to repentance

It should make you angry because, as Ezekiel warned Israel, sin twists people’s lives (Ezekiel 7:13, New Living Translation). The sin of murder through abortion twists the lives of those affected. And on a bigger scale, the widespread acceptance and support of abortion and organizations like Planned Parenthood twists the moral fiber of a people. If America’s national conscience can tolerate the dismembering of a child and the merchandising of its body parts, what can’t it tolerate?
There’s one last element to godly, righteous anger, and it’s the most important element. The anger that comes from God should convict us to change and become more like Him. It should motivate us to fix our problems and turn toward the mercy and love God desperately wants to extend to us.
God doesn’t want people to suffer the bad consequences that sin produces, and He doesn’t want any nation to suffer these consequences either. God is patient and “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:8).
It’s not too late for those whose lives have been twisted by the sin of abortion to repent and live by God’s high standard of respect for the sanctity of life. And, while it would require a great miracle, it’s also not too late for America and other countries where abortion is legal to experience a nationwide repentance and to turn away from this sin.
God is waiting with arms wide open to accept those who turn away from sin to seek Him. Will America respond? Will you?

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