Take a break from sports and consider picking up a good book.
[Darris McNeely] Today’s Daily is an addition to the “Redeeming the Time” series that we might be doing here on the Dailys
. I was reading in a Wall Street Journal this morning that the
quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, Mr. Andrew Luck, is as adept at
handing off books as he is footballs to his teammates. The headline of
the article called it the “Andrew Luck Book Club”.
Andrew Luck is a voracious reader and he’s in the habit of
recommending books to his teammates in the locker room when they may be
going through a challenging time, perhaps with an injury, or something
else in their life. He may have read something about that in a book;
he’ll hand the book to them. I thought, wow. What an interesting guy.
Type of guy that for me, I’d kind of like to hang out on the weekend
with. We’re really in the swing of football season here in the United
States – American football, that is. And here’s the question, or here’s
perhaps a challenge to us all. We all have our favorite teams, favorite
players, and we’re going to follow those. But perhaps we could dial
back just a little bit on the amount of time we spend watching football
and take a hint from Andrew Luck. Join his book club. Pull out a book.
Better yet, put it on mute maybe, and just watch some of the highlights
and delve into a book and broaden our understanding, our focus, and our
belief in whatever field, whatever topic that we might want to get into.
This weekend, join the Andrew Luck Book Club. Pull up a book in between watching the football.
That’s BT Daily . Join us next time.
Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in
Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry
for more than 32 years. They have two sons, both married. Darris is the
Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a guest instructor
in Early Church History at the Ambassador Bible College. He enjoys
hunting, travel and reading.
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